发布于: 雪球转发:3回复:27喜欢:1
Seeking Alpha Pro出版了我写的分析,叫‘Jumei: Significant Upside From Q3 Earnings And Overselling’。 值得一读:网页链接 $聚美优品(JMEI)$ $唯品会(VIPS)$ $阿里巴巴(BABA)$ $京东(JD)$ $当当网(DANG)$


2016-04-27 22:31


2014-10-15 14:02

I agree the 11/11's sales will temporarily help the rally of the share price. However, the rally will create an opportunity for the sell of the unlock shares on 11/15. We may probably see that the more the rally is, the more the shares are sold off.

2014-10-14 04:11


2014-10-09 23:34

I don't think JMEI' size and growth rate can sustain its hefty valuation. Let alone its lock-up period expiration on 11/15.


2014-10-09 14:10

我猜你的意思是,Seeking Alpha Pro只让没付钱注册的人读30天。30天之后,只有付钱注册的客户才能读。对吗?Neil,刚读了你的文章,分析得很好。谢谢你的推荐。有没有对当当(Dang)分析过?

2014-10-09 13:14

"30天之后,客户只会读" 什么意思?还是写英文吧。雪球上的人应该懂不复杂的英文。

2014-10-09 11:18

Seeking Alpha Pro只让大家30天读。30天之后,客户只会读