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The explicit benefit of share repurchases is that they can effectively thicken shareholders' equity, while the implicit benefits involve the values of management. A capable management team that is oriented towards shareholder interests naturally instills a lot of confidence in both current and potential shareholders, thereby enhancing optimistic expectations for the future and thus pushing the stock price to a reasonable level. Warren Buffett mentioned Robert Vesco, a famous swindler in American financial history. If you were to associate with such a person, could you sleep soundly at night?
The clear advantage of buybacks is they boost shareholder value, while the hidden benefit relates to management's values. Competent, shareholder-focused management builds confidence, improving outlook and lifting stock prices. Associating with a swindler like Robert Vesco, could you rest easy?查看图片
2024-06-19 07:24
原文:The other benefit of repurchases is less subject to precise measurement but can be fully as important over time. By making repurchases when a company’s market value is well below its business value, management clearly demonstrates t...