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$英伟达(NVDA)$ 业绩真的是太夸张了。。


张小丰02-22 08:46


张小丰02-22 08:53

很喜欢Mark Papermaster下面这段。这人和苏姿丰一起是AMD崛起的关键。
When we think about $400 billion, it's an accelerator TAM. It is GPUs, it is the memory around it, it is other bespoke accelerators, specifically targeted for this AI infrastructure build-out. And it is just that. Think about it as a build-out like when the Internet launched. And you had the -- an entire build-out, not just of compute but networking, infrastructure, et cetera. It's a new platform. And so it is indeed a major investment.
And with that investment comes the monetization, which will occur as you'll see thousands upon thousands of applications, which are now at a torrid pace of being development. So, there's the economics that have to be behind it and are behind it.
And when you look at that $400 billion TAM, a lot of it, of course, is the hyperscalers and these massive AI cluster build-out. So that's going to be first-party workloads of hyperscalers, but also third-party. And that's where the largest models are needed, the LLMs that are taking on broad questions that are helping answering broad productivity savings that they're driving. And so that is a big piece of that $400 billion TAM.
But it is much more than that because when you look at what's going to happen over the next several years, AI is not just in the domain of these largest hyperscalers, these massive clusters. What happens is businesses is they focus and they have AI needs to address their business needs, not of the world's AI problem set that needs solve but actually driving productivity of their business. And those models are typically smaller in size. They can be handled -- they can either be run in smaller clusters on the cloud or on-prem.
And frankly, where you need more quick response and even lower latency, think about automotive applications with self-driving, think about the factory floor, that build-out will be embedded devices. And then right to the endpoint where you're seeing now PCs, we launched our AI-accelerated PC last year with the Ryzen 7040. And now we look at 2024 as a big transition year where AI comes to the PC, and we're out ahead of that.
So there's a lot behind that TAM. We're expecting the AI market to grow at a 70% kind of CAGR. I know that seems like a huge number, but the work our team has done, we think -- you can debate the numbers, but the fact is it's very large, and we are investing to capture that growth.

随缘投资吧02-22 09:00


深圳益田路02-22 08:48


彬2jz02-22 09:17

这段看起来不太好懂, 顺手用Copilot翻译一下、
坦率地说,当你需要更快的响应甚至更低的延迟时,想想自动驾驶的汽车应用,想想工厂的生产线,那种建设将是嵌入式设备。然后直接到终端,你现在看到的PC,我们去年推出了我们的AI加速PC,搭载了Ryzen 7040。现在我们看到2024年将是一个大的转型年,AI将来到PC,我们已经领先于此。


02-22 09:26


02-22 08:18
