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$柯莱特(CIS)$ Extremely Cautious on Camelot Information Systems 网页链接 下一个东南融通?


2011-09-01 21:54

Dear Axler, Your conclutions about CIS are riduculous. You are not understanding chinese IT market.Thare are many scopes in chineses IT matket each IT company doing.I just say two point: 1.CIS's main scope is doing the ERP based IT service outsourcing. Its competitors are doing the software developing outsourcing service.In china,the fees of ERP based outsourcing service is much higher than the simple software developing service.That is the reason that CIS has much higher revenue per person. 2.The CIS's main customer is IBM. CIS has agreement with IBM that never go to the front end of the customers.This is the strategy of CIS. And that is the reason that CIS is less famous in the industrial field.The customers only know the IBM.I think you should do more invastigation about CIS and more about the chinese IT market,then putout your papers. Donot so ridiculous more. Please!!! (VIA: Fangbin)

2011-09-01 21:43

红萝卜丢人啊//@江涛: //@巴克星: 检查了一下 @美股达人 ,确定为 $柯莱特(CIS)$ 雇用的五毛。

2011-09-01 21:38

检查了一下 @美股达人,确定为 $柯莱特(CIS)$ 雇用的五毛。

2011-08-31 20:57


2011-08-31 17:02


2011-08-31 17:01
