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$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ 官员们表示,土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安预计将于周一在马尼萨省举行的仪式上宣布该协议,该工厂将在那里建设;

土耳其周五宣布,将撤销近一个月前宣布的对所有中国汽车征收 40% 额外关税的计划,理由是此举旨在鼓励投资。这一决定是在埃尔多安周四在哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳举行的上海合作组织会议上与中国国家首脑会谈后做出的。

(Bloomberg) -- Turkey will soon unveil an agreement with BYD Co. to construct a $1 billion plant in the west of the country, Turkish officials said, boosting the Chinese carmaker’s presence in Europe at a time of escalating trade tensions.

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expected to announce the accord on Monday during a ceremony in Manisa province, where the plant will be built, the officials said, asking not to be named because they aren’t authorized to speak publicly. BYD representatives and the president’s office declined to comment.

The new factory would improve BYD’s access to the European Union, because Turkey has a customs-union agreement with the bloc. The EU moved ahead this week with plans to impose provisional tariffs on electric vehicles imported from China, hitting BYD with an additional 17.4% charge on top of the existing 10% rate.

There’s also a domestic market to serve, with EVs accounting for 7.5% of car sales last year in Turkey, a country with a population of almost 90 million.

Turkey announced Friday that it was walking back plans announced almost a month ago to impose an additional 40% tariff on all vehicles from China, citing efforts to encourage investment. That decision followed talks between Erdogan and China’s President on Thursday during a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Astana, Kazakhstan.

BYD has been on a tear the last several years in China, becoming the nation’s best-selling car brand. The Shenzhen-based manufacturer has vowed to bring its lower-priced EVs to Europe in the coming years, including the Seagull hatchback that executives expect to sell for less than €20,000 ($21,700).

The automaker opened its first EV plant in Southeast Asia on Thursday, in Thailand. BYD has also taken over a former Ford Motor Co. factory in Brazil and been scoping out locations for a plant in Mexico. Its first car factory for Europe, in Hungary, is under construction.

BYD’s sales jumped to a record 982,747 vehicles in the second quarter, up more than 40% from a year ago. While the company’s sales in Europe have been sluggish thus far, it’s mounting a major marketing push in the region, taking Volkswagen AG’s place as a main sponsor of the European Championship football tournament.


综合界面新闻、法新社报道,当地时间 7 月 8(今)日,比亚迪与土耳其政府签署在土投资建厂协议,土耳其总统埃尔多安出席签约仪式。
根据协议,比亚迪将投资约 10 亿美元(IT之家备注:当前约 72.94 亿元人民币)建立年产 15 万辆汽车的工厂和研发中心。工厂计划 2026 年底投产,将为至多 5000 名工人提供工作岗位。
报道称,根据 1995 年成立的“关税同盟”,土耳其制造的汽车享有进入欧盟的优惠待遇,伊斯坦布尔周围的马尔马拉地区已成为世界汽车工业的主要中心之一。此外,之前分配给大众汽车公司的位于伊兹密尔北部马尼萨的土地将转给比亚迪使用。
土耳其工业和技术部长穆罕默德・法提赫・卡谢尔(Mehmet Fatih Kacır)曾在今年 5 月告诉彭博社,除比亚迪外,奇瑞当时也与该国就投资进行深入谈判。$比亚迪(SZ002594)$

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