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$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ 随着与美国和欧盟的贸易紧张局势升级,中国表示准备对大型发动机进口汽车征收高达 25% 的关税。

根据 X 上发布的一份声明,中国欧盟商会表示,它是“内部人士”获悉这一潜在举措的。这些关税将影响欧洲和美国汽车制造商,并对与欧盟的关系产生“重大”影响。 它补充道。

China signaled it’s ready to unleash tariffs as high as 25% on imported cars with large engines, as trade tensions escalate with the US and European Union.

The China Chamber of Commerce to the EU said it was informed about the potential move by “insiders,” according to a statement posted on X. The levies would affect European and US carmakers and have a “significant” impact on relations with the EU, it added.



欧盟内部现在分歧巨大,美国的呼吁一点用也没有,估计最后的结果EU会加一点意思意思,不然调查那么久也没面子,中国摆出加关税的架子也是给欧盟一个提醒,所以最后对$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ 影响不大,除非步美国后尘加50%以上的关税。

05-23 01:08



05-25 20:29

当地时间周四,在VivaTech大会的问答环节中,马斯克在回答提问时说:“特斯拉和我都没有要求征收这些关税。事实上,当他们宣布的时候,我很惊讶。”马斯克说:“特斯拉在没有关税和优惠支持的情况下,在中国市场竞争得很好。我赞成不征收关税。”马斯克还说:“我赞成对电动汽车或石油和天然气不征收关税,也不采取激励措施。”$特斯拉(TSLA)$ $比亚迪(SZ002594)$
PARIS— Tesla CEO 网页链接{Elon Musk} said that he doesn’t support 网页链接{President Biden’s} recent announcement of a tariff on Chinese-made electric vehicles.
“Neither Tesla nor I asked for these tariffs,” Musk said in response to a question from CNBC’s Karen Tso during a question and answer session at the VivaTech conference here on Thursday. “In fact, I was surprised when they were announced.”
“Tesla competes quite well in the market in China with no tariffs and no deferential support,” Musk said on Thursday. “I’m in favor of no tariffs.”
“I’m in favor of no tariffs and no incentives for electric vehicles, or for oil and gas,” the Tesla CEO said.
“Frankly, I think, if there are not trade barriers established, they will pretty much demolish most other companies in the world,” Musk said on the company’s 网页链接{earnings call} in January.

05-23 13:20
