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$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ 要点:1.2030年有信心成为欧洲领先汽车制造商,超出特斯拉是媒体自我发挥的;2.海鸥的欧洲版不久要来了,目标价格是低于2万欧元,和李柯前一段时间爆料一致,她都还没见到过实车,看起来至少要到明年了;3.第二个欧洲工厂的考察已经开始,某媒体人爆料落户法国是无稽之谈;4. 根据 Schmidt Automotive Research 的数据,2024 年第一季度比亚迪在西欧的电动汽车市场份额仅为 1.7%。


05-10 13:26

比亚迪已经解决了在欧洲售车的数据安全问题,具体方法可以解释为啥比亚迪选择amzon或google作为海外的云服务提供商,而不是华为或阿里:$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $谷歌A(GOOGL)$ $亚马逊(AMZN)$
比亚迪老板迈克尔舒向欧洲客户保证,他们的联网汽车数据将保留在该地区。 这意味着它将拥有我们目前享有的相同保护。
今年早些时候在欧洲推出比亚迪印章的中国汽车制造商的负责人在英国《金融时报》未来汽车会议上发表讲话时表示,管理客户数据和遵守 GDPR 对于该品牌在欧洲取得成功至关重要。
与Seal一样,比亚迪也在非洲大陆销售Atto 3和Dolphin。 它将连接性和低成本作为其营销策略的重要组成部分。
Shu 说:“我们有内部流程需要控制,但[关键要点是]不会有数据传输到[欧洲]之外。 我们选择了数据管理合作伙伴。 我们使用谷歌云服务,谷歌在中国没有服务,所以客户不用担心。”
BYD boss Michael Shu has reassured European customers that their connected car data will remain within the region. That means it’ll have the same protections we currently enjoy.
Speaking at the FT’s Car of the Future conference, the head of the Chinese car maker – which launched 网页链接{the BYD Seal in Europe} earlier this year – said managing customer data and staying compliant to GDPR was critical to the success of the brand in Europe.
Like the Seal, 网页链接{BYD also sells the Atto 3} and Dolphin on this continent. It's made connectivity and low cost a big part of its marketing strategy.
Shu said: “We have our internal processes to control but [the key takeaway is] no data will transfer outside [Europe]. We’ve selected data management partners. We use Google Cloud services, and Google doesn't have services in China, so customers don't have anything to worry about.”

05-22 13:57

BYD’s Seagull hatchback is set to start Europe sales next year, beating the competition on price;比亚迪海鸥掀背车将于明年开始欧洲销售,在价格上击败竞争对手,算上关税不超过20000欧元:$比亚迪(SZ002594)$
Cheap electric vehicles from China are already pushing into Europe, undercutting one of the region’s biggest industries. BYD Co., which overtook Tesla Inc. last year to become the biggest global EV maker, is about to raise the stakes.
The Chinese manufacturer last month announced plans to introduce its sub-$10,000 Seagull hatchback in Europe next year, offering features like cruise control and wireless phone charging normally seen on much more expensive vehicles. Even after tariffs and modifications to meet European standards, BYD executives have pledged to sell the Seagull for less than €20,000 ($21,500).


05-10 14:43

李柯欧洲美洲一起管,全权负责 。 也无妨吧?