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$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ 雷诺集团 CEO 卢卡·德·梅奥发文高度评价中国新能源汽车产业。他表示,制定欧洲产业战略,汽车工业是主要支柱之一,全球汽车市场的中心已经转移到亚洲,中国制造商拥有雷诺没有的电池生产能力,向中国制造商学习对欧洲有利。此外,欧洲经济的脱碳,可以创建“绿色经区”,就像中国的经济特区一样,集中补贴和投资。

欧洲的汽车工业是欧洲大陆经济的驱动力:它雇用了 1300 万人,占工业生产的 8% 和欧洲投资的三分之一。然而,雷诺首席执行官卢卡·德·梅奥谴责“如果不采取任何措施来阻止经济放缓的症状,那将令人担忧”。在写给参加即将举行的欧洲选举的候选人的一封信中,德梅奥详细介绍了这些警告信号,并提出了扭转这一趋势的十步计划。他的信与梅赛德斯董事长奥拉·康林松(Ola Källenius)的言论相矛盾,后者几天前呼吁欧盟不要干涉市场。

您今天向 6 月 6 日至 9 日举行的欧洲选举的当选代表和候选人发出的这封信听起来像是一个警告。欧洲汽车业的处境是否如此令人担忧?

我不认为这是一个警告,而是一个积极的贡献。我是欧洲汽车制造商协会 (ACEA) 的主席,在汽车行业工作了 30 年。我曾在布鲁塞尔的丰田、意大利的菲亚特、德国的奥迪、西班牙的西雅特工作过,当然还有雷诺。我认为这是一个我很熟悉的主题。

如今,汽车行业占欧洲经济的 7%,为政府带来 3,920 亿欧元的收入(占欧盟税收收入的 20% 以上)。如果没有汽车研究(590 亿欧元),欧洲的研发支出将低于 GDP 的 2%(而美国为 3.4%)。

然而全球汽车市场的中心已经转移到亚洲。其中,新乘用车的销量占 52%,电动汽车的销量甚至更高。中国在欧洲占有4%的市场份额;全球出口的电动汽车中有35%是中国制造的。


这确实是当下一个非常热门的话题。我和 ACEA 的立场很明确:我们不想要保护主义,但我们确实想要公平竞争。但这不是公平竞争。一辆“中国制造”的 C 级汽车(相当于雷诺 Austral、标致 3008 或大众 Tiguan)比 同等欧洲车型享有 6,000 至 7,000 欧元的成本优势。占总价的25%左右。


03-21 16:50

As it looks to address these issues, Renault suggested that Europe take note of how China has supported its own auto industry and proposed a range of policies.
European Union politicians need to develop a new industrial strategy for the region and "deploy a regulatory framework with a stable base but open-ended content, on the same lines as the Chinese model," the report said. It called for the creation of a body to assess the impact of auto industry regulations.
It also suggested the establishment of "green economic zones" which receive subsidies and tax breaks, inspired by China's "special economic zones."
Describing the energy transition as a "team sport," the report said the EU should oversee a deal between the private and public sectors to shore up funding for electric vehicle development on a "European level."
"Under pressure from financial markets, European manufacturers are often forced to focus on short-term profits rather than making the investments necessary for the long term, with no guarantee of a return. China has solved the problem by consolidating all its forces, including financial institutions, around a single goal," it said.
In another reference to China, Renault called for a renewed focus on the development of smart autonomous vehicles, taking inspiration from the country's setting of common standards in the field. This could see manufacturers share roughly 70% of the technical content of such cars.
"The smart connected vehicles developed in this way will be virtuous in three ways: smoother traffic flows, lower energy consumption and fewer deaths on the road," it said.

03-21 17:32


03-22 01:22


03-21 16:53

03-21 16:47

In a report signed by Renault Group CEO Luca de Meo, the auto industry was described as a "pillar of the European economy" that was "facing an onslaught of electric vehicles from China."
网页链接{It comes after numerous auto firms} — both within and outside of Europe — said that competition from China was among the biggest challenges to their business outlook.
The French automaker argued that Europe's auto sector was suffering from an "imbalance in competition." It cited 网页链接{the tax credits granted} for green manufacturing projects in the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act, and the 网页链接{hefty subsidies reportedly} being given to domestic manufacturers by the Chinese government.

Europe also faces significantly higher energy costs than both markets, the report said, and 40% higher wage costs than China.
The European Commission, meanwhile, is set to introduce up to 10 new regulations each year between now and 2030, placing businesses "at a huge disadvantage" as they struggle to meet new deadlines, it said.

03-21 16:47
