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$比亚迪(SZ002594)$$丰田汽车(TM)$ $特斯拉(TSLA)$ 丰田披露的技术细节很少,只是说在材料上取得了突破,有潜力在成本续航重量上大大改善,量产的时间依然定在2027不变,而且Keiji Kaita,(president of the Japanese auto firm’s research and development centre for carbon neutrality)说即使这个时间表依然有挑战。.

On Tuesday, the Japanese company said it had simplified production of the material used to make them, hailing the discovery as a significant leap forward that could dramatically cut charging times and increase driving range.

“For both our liquid and our solid-state batteries, we are aiming to drastically change the situation where current batteries are too big, heavy and expensive,” said Keiji Kaita, president of the Japanese auto firm’s research and development centre for carbon neutrality. “In terms of potential, we will aim to halve all of these factors.”

David Bailey, a professor of business economics at the University of Birmingham, said that if Toyota’s claims were founded, it could be a landmark moment for the future of electric cars.

“Often there are breakthroughs at the prototype stage but then scaling it up is difficult,” he said. “If it is a genuine breakthrough it could be a gamechanger, very much the holy grail of battery vehicles.”

Kaita said the company had developed ways to make batteries more durable and believed it could now make a solid-state battery with a range of 1,200km (745 miles) that could charge in 10 minutes or less.

The company expects to be able to manufacture solid-state batteries for use in electric vehicles as soon as 2027, according to the Financial Times, which first reported on Toyota’s claimed breakthrough.


2023-07-06 19:07

宁德时代表示“全固态电池的研发在行业也处于领先地位”,估计国内包括比亚迪、卫蓝等企业都在低调研发固态电池,只是不像丰田如此高调而已:$宁德时代(SZ300750)$ $比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $丰田汽车(TM)$

2023-07-05 19:04
