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$潍柴动力(SZ000338)$ 世界上首批氢气列车开启定期客运服务$巴拉德动力系统(BLDP)$ 

Alstom has delivered 14 iLint fuel cell trains to Landesnahverkehrsgesellschaft Niedersachsen (LNVG) which will be operated by Eisenbahnen und Verkehrsbetriebe Elbe-Weser GmbH (evb).With this step Alstom is the first rail vehicle manufacturer in the world to bring a hydrogen series fleet into the market. It is the first vehicle type approval of a hydrogen fuel call train under the new legal framework of the 4th railway package.


From September 2018 to the end of February 2020, two Coradia iLint pre-series trains successfully covered more than 200,000 kilometres in regular passenger service.

After 530 days and more than 180,000 kilometres travelled, the trial operation of the world’s first two hydrogen trains on the Weser-Elbe network was successfully completed on schedule at the end of February. Two pre-series trains of the Coradia iLint model from rail vehicle manufacturer Alstom had been in passenger service since September 2018.


The contract between LNVG and Alstom also includes 30 years of maintenance and energy supply for the trains. With the acquisition of the trains, Verkehrsbetriebe Elbe-Weser GmbH (EVB) can gradually take their old diesel-powered trains out of regular service.


The new iLints offer 160 seats per vehicle, which is about 30 per cent more than some of the vehicles currently in use. During rush hour, the trains run in double traction. Peak trains offer 320 seats.

世界上第一批氢动力列车已于7月25日起开启常规客运服务,在德国Bremervörde和Buxtehude之间的区域铁路线上运营。这14列两节车厢的LINT列车是由Alstom公司在其德国Salzgitte的车间建造的。它们归Lower Saxony所有,并租赁给了特许运营商Eisenbahn und Verkehrsbetriebe Elbe-Weser(EVB)。.




2022-07-28 07:07


2022-07-27 19:19
