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The Big Short’s Michael Burry is back on Twitter this morning. After earlier remarks about SEC and Fed policies as well as inflation, the CEO of Scion Asset Management is saying Elon Musk has it not quite right with his Rivian comments.
“No, @elonmusk, the true test is achieving that without massive government and electricity subsidies on the backs of taxpayers who don't own your cars.”

“大空头”Michael Burry在点评美国证交会、美联储政策及通胀后,说马斯克对于电动车公司Rivian的评论不正确。马斯克说,实现高产和现金流平衡是Rivian面临的真正考验,现在有几百家汽车初创公司冒出来,但特斯拉是过去100年来唯一一家能够大规模量产且保持正现金流的美国车企。而Burry语带嘲讽的评论道:“不,马斯克,真正的考验是在没有美国政府大规模支持以及电动车补贴的情况下还能实现这样的目标。”

$特斯拉(TSLA)$ $Rivian Automotive(RIVN)$
2021-11-12 22:55
$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $特斯拉(TSLA)$ $Rivian Automotive(RIVN)$ 在手订单很多,产品目标很清晰。挖了许多特斯拉的人马,难怪Elon Musk阴阳怪气。
“We wanted to e...


2021-11-13 09:05
