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$珩湾科技(01523)$ 估计特斯拉用的private 5G 设备就是Peplink的(曾经提到为一个电动车厂商在德州提高private 5G设备,并且将来可能会在德国和中国部署)。


“Deploying its private 5G network, Tesla aims to create a seamlessly connected environment in its manufacturing facilities, research labs, and outdoor spaces. This infrastructure is not just about enhancing vehicle connectivity; it's also pivotal for the operational efficiency of the Optimus robot in various scenarios, including warehouse operations.”



05-28 06:34

@JasonYu杰森 可见Peplink在机器人和自动驾驶方面的潜力还是有的。
“a recently spotted job posting for a Cellular Systems Integration Engineer on Tesla's career page shed light on the company's intentions. The role demands expertise to elevate Tesla's vehicle and Optimus robot connectivity, promising to push the boundaries of low latency and high data rates.”

06-04 09:52
