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自我检讨:以后再也不买不正经的股票了[哭泣]血泪史。$Trevena, Inc. (TRVN)$ 


2018-10-12 09:20


2018-10-10 09:12


2018-10-10 07:43


2018-10-10 01:20

@redfa: 今天暴发的所有问题,网上一堆研究早在他们三期临床数据出来的时候就说的很清楚了。
这是一个他们三期数据出来时seeking apha上的评论,基本把他的风险,存在的问题说的非常清楚了,可能被滥用,副作用不达标一直是他们存在的主要问题。买药股至少最基本的调查得做全。
Now the downsides.
The efficacy of the lowest dose was pretty poor compared to morphine (it did beat placebo), meaning the higher two doses are the ones likely to be used in the real world even if the FDA approves all 3 doses. I think a lot of people were hoping for much greater efficacy that would mean the lowest dose would be sufficient.The abuse study showed comparables to morphine. Some people were hoping that it would be less abuse prone than morphine.The highest dose was roughly comparable in effectiveness to morphine over longer time scales, and looking at the raw data it was actually just a smidge less effective starting at about 8 hours. You can see this in the slightly lower total responders percentage vs morphine.The safety on vomiting and breathing and overall safety did show large improvement in the raw data vs morphine for all doses, but for the larger 2 doses (remember the dosages likely to be used) the results didn't reach statistical significance. This means they likely won't be able to claim improved safety in marketing materials. It also makes it harder to convince hospitals to switch from super cheap morphine to this newer more expensive drug that may be a bit safer and a bit less effective but we can't say for certain.So the results have some bright spots, but the hope of replacing morphine everywhere just dropped significantly.

2018-10-10 00:52
