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回复@668专注搞钱: [很赞][很赞]//@668专注搞钱:回复@王冠亚:1. Our goal is to attract long-term owners who, at the time of purchase, have no timetable or price target for sale but plan instead to stay with us indefinitely.
- 翻译:我们的目标是吸引长期持有者,他们在购买时没有出售的时间表或价格目标,而是计划无限期地与我们合作。
- 详解:
- "Our goal is to attract long-term owners": 我们的目标是吸引长期持有者。这句话指出了他们公司的目标。
- "who, at the time of purchase, have no timetable or price target for sale": 在购买时没有出售的时间表或价格目标。这说明了他们对长期投资者的期望。
- "but plan instead to stay with us indefinitely": 而是计划无限期地与我们合作。这是对长期持有者的期望。
- 重点单词:long-term(长期的),owners(持有者),timetable(时间表),price target(价格目标),indefinitely(无限期地)
2. We don’t understand the CEO who wants lots of stock activity, for that can be achieved only if many of his owners are constantly exiting.
- 翻译:我们不理解那些希望有大量股票交易活动的CEO,因为这只有在他的许多股东不断退出的情况下才能实现。
- 详解:
- "We don’t understand": 我们不理解。这是对某一行为的不理解。
- "the CEO who wants lots of stock activity": 希望有大量股票交易活动的CEO。这是对某一类型CEO的描述。
- "for that can be achieved only if many of his owners are constantly exiting": 因为这只有在他的许多股东不断退出的情况下才能实现。这是解释为什么他们不理解的原因。
- 重点单词:CEO(首席执行官),stock activity(股票交易活动),exiting(退出)
3. At what other organization—school, club, church, etc.—do leaders cheer when members leave?
- 翻译:在其他组织——学校、俱乐部、教堂等——领导者会为会员离开而欢呼吗?
- 详解:
- "At what other organization": 在其他组织。这是对比其他组织的情况。
- "do leaders cheer when members leave": 领导者会为会员离开而欢呼吗?这是一个反问,强调了这种情况的罕见性。
- 重点单词:organization(组织),cheer(欢呼),members(会员),leave(离开)
4. (However, if there were a broker whose livelihood depended upon the membership turnover in such organizations, you could be sure that there would be at least one proponent of activity, as in: “There hasn’t been much going on in Christianity for a while; maybe we should switch to Buddhism next week.”)
- 翻译:(然而,如果有一位经纪人的生计依赖于这些组织中的会员流动,你可以肯定会有至少一位活跃的倡导者,就像这样:“基督教一段时间以来并没有太多活动;也许我们下周应该转向佛教。”)
- 详解:
- 这是对上文的补充,通过假设情景进一步强调了此类行为的荒谬性,并且以一个引人注目的例子来说明。
- 重点单词:broker(经纪人),livelihood(生计),membership turnover(会员流动),proponent(倡导者),switch(转换)
2024-05-13 07:36
原文:Our goal is to attract long-term owners who, at the time of purchase, have no timetable or price target for sale but plan instead to stay with us indefinitely. We don’t understand the CEO who wants lots of stock activity, for that c...