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回复@W_entworth: 一季报电话会议上,这个问题被追问好几次,管理层披露的是只有很少的租赁合同里有cotenancy条款,认为影响微不足道。CEO当时是这样回答的:The cotenancy is given by exception. It's not the rule. So in any given center, you might have 5 to 10 tenants that have a cotenancy provision. And it's usually a multitude of things. It's not just one anchor that's named. It's typically tied to multiple anchors. So at this point, we don't think it's going to be material. Macy's announced closure of 125 stores. We had one on that list that they were planning on converting to office space anyway. So at this point, other than the 3 Nordstroms, we're not aware of any. And even with that being said, cotenancy provisions are very rare exception rather than the rule as it comes to our portfolio.$马塞里奇房产(MAC)$//@W_entworth:回复@不思89:"MAC透露,它收取了4月租金的26%和5月租金的18%。5月收集的MAC项目可能比4月好一些" SPG在财报里面打死不说4,5月的情况, 披露的REIT普遍在20%. 对比单店的REIT比如STOR O , 这个数据真的恨不乐观, 而且anchor一旦死掉, inline的租客是可以免违约金退租的, 有点一旦超过一个阈值, 一个mall就死了的感觉
2020-06-13 11:59
东部时间2020年5月30日12:28|182条留言 | 关于: Macerich Company(MAC){Macerich Company(MAC)}


2020-06-18 02:08

@肖恩她爹 很好的信息, 不过把anchor的位置改成office, 让公司去mall里面办公有点魔幻哈哈, 而且改造费用也是一笔不小的花销. 之前他们又探索过换成costco这种anchor, 不过后面就没下文了