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Our thoughts about it , for yr reference
1. This is a consultation not final paper
2. Any measures more likely to impact high ARPU games, our big games are low ARPU. Established games do not rely on those daily signup, and incentive for first spending anyway
3. The rules mentioned are small changes and are not going to affect already very compliant developers and operators, especially not the established popular games
4. May have some impact on marginal new games
5. Govt. support for healthy growth of gaming industry not changed. We see this NOT a new round of crack down, just fine tuning rules in an increasingly healthy gaming market。
$腾讯控股(00700)$ $上证指数(SH000001)$ $恒生指数(HKHSI)$腾讯 IR的回复:<br/>O腾讯 IR的回复:<br/>O腾讯 IR的回复:<br/>O


2023-12-22 17:29

Govt. support for healthy growth of gaming industry not changed. We see this NOT a new round of crack down, just fine tuning rules in an increasingly healthy gaming market。--希望不是咬着后槽牙说的

2023-12-22 17:16
