Bear_Prince 的讨论

发布于: 修改于:雪球回复:17喜欢:19
My near term IWM PT is around 230. As it went straight above 220, I’m taking profit on my July calls expiring this week and leave Aug calls running. 我认为semi近期的pull back是buying opportunity, 尤其NVDA, I think they underestimate this quarter again, stock gets cheaper when it releases earning. TSM reports in two days. SMCI enters preannouncement window usually 18-24days. If getting these right, semi could have face ripping rally in short term.
My near term IW


我也不太知道具体AMD H2 什么时候会outperform, 我觉得比较稳妥的做法可能是选取几个Semi,NVDA, AMD, MU这样不同的semi theme。老实讲如果NVDA如果现在是150,我可能果断选择AMD

谢谢~我很喜欢这里 每年都会来 看看博物馆 听听路边演奏 能让心情得到彻底放松。这里有间叫ZaZa的餐厅特别喜欢,当然还有这里的牛排!

嘻嘻,谢谢大佬度假还抽空回复,have fun~


and also the wedge shape too, seems like a break up or down is in sight


大佬觉得接下里的earning season AMD会继续chase performance比NVDA表现更好吗