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What can I say. headline PPI -0.2% vs +0.1%, core ppi 0.0% vs +0.3%, weekly jobless another beat 242k vs 225k, Fed has no room being hawkish
2024-06-13 04:02
首先going into CPI预期如下:
CPI came in with both headline and Core weaker vs consensus. Specifically Core came in 0.16% MoM vs 0.28% consensus。而annulized 3.4%是3年来最低的reading。从细节来看,shelter仍然居高不下,但重要的...


06-14 01:19

30yr auction 1.5bps through. It tells how institutions think of inflation prints. Long end 的上涨还没有结束。明天有umich 数据。I think inflation expectation continues to go down. My opinion only not financial advice

老师这一系列数据全部精准命中,佩服佩服!除了那傻叉非农新增岗位 理都不用理。We are on track!昨日高点TLT全部获利出局,空仓观望。

06-13 22:02

感谢大佬!这周数据出完感觉趋势应该基本明确了。06/14的一波期权大部分都在昨天完成止盈,现在手里拿着一些TLT 07/26 call等待新一轮的data逐步兑现预期