石室才子的笔记 的讨论

发布于: 雪球回复:0喜欢:0
One other, you also had asked about more ways more ways to watch, other factors than our UI that's causing more engagement. And I think it is worth noting that we have been putting a lot more emphasis recently on, on driving engagement on our platform. We have created a whole new team. We hired a new executive that's focused on improving, improving, engagement, and there's a lot of low hanging food there. So that is an area that we are also continuing to focus on in terms of performance advertising.

Yeah. That's still a focus for us. We think that a lot of advertising is going to, is in the process of moving to performance space. We have a lot of tools to do that. We're good at it. We're getting, we're getting even better. So it is an area. It is an area that we're continuing to see growth. Then, if you look at digital budgets, that is -- they are a factor in our for us.
And it is a budget that we're starting to tap into that we didn't historically tap into, but it's still a fairly small part of our sales it's growing. But, still by far, the biggest source of revenue ad revenue for us is traditional TV budgets moving to streaming. And that's a 70 billion opportunity in the us alone. So that's our primary focus and some of those budgets are becoming more performance based as well.

transcript这里,看得出roku管理层认为performance ad(ttd的领域)还处于早期(fairly small part),先把传统电视700亿广告预算吃到嘴再说(primary focus)。所以投入上,优先是在content上,以增加广告库存,而不是在广告平台上.......