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回复@Bear_Prince: 一号 AMD 发财报 希望可以打响第一枪//@Bear_Prince:回复@机智的小山君:I dont think index corrects that much. I dont think AI is bubble. I think Aug may turn out to be a good month. This seems to be a Deja vu like Apr(everyone was calling for 10% correction), 尤其NVDA, I think it goes back to ATH。很多人用dot com bubble CSCO跟它作比较,I think it's quite wrong, multiple NVDA 跟当时CSCO不是一个等级,semi和一部分tech I think they are still very cheap, they will be cheaper when they report earning。当然这只是我的个人意见,但我有put my own money/risk on it ~
2024-07-13 00:13
血脉贲张的一周渐渐进入尾声,随着今早公布的PPI和Umich数据后,6月重头宏观数据基本公布完毕(重头means Fed cares)。Umich flagged both lower 1yr and 5yr inflation expectation十分重要。PPI core和headline大幅度beat estimate, 但主要diven by trade service(+0.2%MoM, you take this part ...

