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关于$完美世界(PWRD)$,对@完美世界刘永基 说:请问,完美预收用户的点卡里,未消费部分,多长时间才会确认为公司的收入?


2012-06-05 14:51


2012-05-31 20:11


2012-05-31 20:02

For our game that uses the time-based revenue model, we recognize revenues when the activated prepaid cards or the charged online points representing the playing time are actually used by the players to play our games. For our games that use the item-based revenue model, we recognize revenues over the expected lives of the purchased in-game items or as these items are consumed.


2012-05-31 11:00

我们在年报(20F)的Accoutning policy 中的Revenue recognition部分有详细的披露,欢迎翻阅。