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=>> GMV,27.46亿港元;

=>> 营业额,14.66亿港元;

=>> EBITDA,1.57亿港元;

=>> 净利润,1.11亿港元;

=>> EPS,0.122港元;

=>> 经营现金流,超过2亿港元。





On 30 June, HKTV announced that they will make a profit for the first half of the year of not less than HKD 90 million excluding government subsidies of around 16 million. This means that the company will announce a net profit of not less than 106 million for the first half.

Below you can find our forecast for how the company will announce its earnings based upon previous years' presentation format:


The EBITDA reconciliation will likely look as follows:


Based upon our calculations the first profitable month was February 2020, consequently it took exactly 5 years to reach profitability as the HKTVMall business was officially launched in February 2015. We think it 's fair to say that the time needed was very short, particularly in light of the strategy the company embarked on when it decided to organize its own distribution system rather than relying on third parties for deliveries, which was the norm within the industry at that time. Furthermore, the company decided early on to develop its self-owned 020-stores which led to additional up-front investments and a higher cost-base, but which are now indispensable with the sharp increases in orders which the company would be unable to handle without the help from the 020-distribution system.. Since its launch, the fixed costs have risen to an annualized level of HKD 1.1 bn in 2020 based upon our estimates for the first half of the year. As a percentage of sales (GMV), total operating expenses have gradually been falling down to a level of 19% in 1H 2020. This means that the business displays very significant economies of scale. Other operating expenses are semi-fixed costs, which will have to increase over time to accommodate a larger business, but which are within the company's control and which change only gradually from month to month. Roughly 50% of the operating expenses are linked to fulfilment (logistics and delivery), 25% to e-commerce support (salaries) and the balance split between 020 and marketing and non-cash items.

Development of other operating costs:


The exceptionally sharp drop in other operating costs as a percentage of sales (GMV) shows that there are very significant economies of scale in the business. In other words each incremental increase in sales (GMV) leads to a disproportionally high increase in net profits. In the future, it is likely to get even better when the company ramps up its financial and food delivery businesses, both which we estimate will not need any significant capex and thus ride on the already established infrastructure which is largely paid for.

As an example of the company's potential, we can present our estimate of the company's profit in the month of July. The company announced that the sales (GMV) amounted to 620 million, assuming that the margin in July was the same as in the first half of the year (23.8%), the company generated a gross profit of 148 million (620*0.238). Our estimate is that other operating costs amounted to 554 million during the first half of the year, which equals monthly other operating costs of 92 million. Excluding financial profits, the estimated net profit for the month was 56 million (148-96=56), which is roughly half of the net profit in the first half of the year (113 million) and an annualized net profit of 672 million. This shows how sensitive the profitability is to an increase in revenue (GMV) and how quickly the company can become very profitable now that the break-even point has been surpassed. We estimate that the break-even point was reached at an annualized sales (GMV) of 4.75 billion.

The chart and statistics can be found in the attached file.

【 风险提示: 市场不完美,预测有偏差,投资有风险。】

【免责声明: 上述内容和观点,仅为记录我们的学习,分享我们的心得,不构成所述证券的买卖价格,在任何时候均不构成对任何私人投资建议。对依据或者使用本文章所造成的一切后果,作者均不承担任何法律责任。】

<a href="http:/<a href="http:/<a href="http:/<a href="http:/


科技股的魅力是达到了break-even point后,利润会像涌泉的泉水般澎湃涌出來,几何级数上升,不同地产股营业额与净利润率基本只保持10%的比率。$香港电视(01137)$

2020-08-14 07:34

【YAHOO新闻】7月份大市因中美關係緊張及本港疫情爆發等因素而疲弱,但港視(SEHK:1137)卻在月內有高達 73.3%升幅。為何市場會如此垂青港視?集團股價還有高追空間嗎?
第三波疫情利好 HKTVmall,EBITDA可望提前轉正
香港新冠疫情在 5、6月有放緩,但剛踏入 7月則迎來第三波爆發,而且街市亦成為了傳播高危地點之一,令市民對網購的需求直線上升。
港視去年提 EBITDA 在 2021年底前轉正的目標。但在疫情利好帶動下,今年 1至 7月錄得 33.7億元成交總額,領先 5月時研究機構全年 51億元(平均計七個月即約 30億元)的預期。而且 7月單月的銷售數據大漲,港視網購平台及門市業務日均訂單總商品交易額約 36300,同比升157.4%,環比升 21.8%;每月訂單總商品交易額約 6.2億(港元・下同),同比升 173.1%,環比升43.9%。集團在 7月初又發盈喜,指扣除政府防疫抗疫基金補助,預期今年中期純利不少於 9000萬元。
由於 HKTVmall在本港市場的普及度遠未飽和,是次疫情令網購成為剛性需求,同時有助培育用戶使用習慣,集團亦指尤其是超市食品的消費者回頭率甚高,有望看見港視滲透市場提速。加上集團在 7月中為減輕物流壓力,宣布將普通及VIP 會員訂單免運費金額統一上調至 800元,加幅分別 60%及 128.6%。投資者可持續觀察集團訂單總額以及訂單成本對集團 EBITDA的影響,集團銷售數據持續利好的話,EBITDA要在今年轉正不無可能,並大機會成為股價向上的強大動力。
疫境下擴大規模 積極招聘人才
港視指今年 3至7月已新增約 260名全職員工,目前仍在繼續招聘,目標增聘約 70名資訊科技員工、逾 100名客戶服務部、O2O門市、物流倉務、派貨員及司機等。
新增員工一方面是集團確實有員工缺口。港視偏好自動化設備,5個物流中心都安裝不同的自動化機械系統協助處理貨品,每日可處理約 3.5萬張訂單,但鑑於如上述 7月日均訂單高達 3.63萬張,令集團有增添人手的迫切需求。另一方面,港視持續新增全職崗位亦反映對前景的信心,並同時配合其拓展多元業務的發展方針。
同時,集團擬在 9月推出自取外賣服務,目標吸引約 5000間餐廳參與,並於明年進一步加推外賣送遞服務。據了解,集團擬在外賣業務中向買家收取佣金,暫未有確實盈利方式詳情,但可望為集團帶來另類收入,同時有望加速集團滲透市場。

2020-08-12 13:55



2020-08-24 10:03

2020-08-13 18:14


2020-08-11 10:12


2020-08-10 19:27


2020-08-09 11:39
