发布于: 雪球转发:0回复:3喜欢:0

– Single Doses of Investigational Zilebesiran Resulted in Sustained Serum Angiotensinogen and Blood Pressure Reductions Through Six Months, Supporting Quarterly and Potentially Biannual Dosing –

– Zilebesiran was Generally Well Tolerated, With No Treatment-Related Serious Adverse Events or Study Withdrawals, Supporting Continued Developmen

RNAi 降压3个月一次估计没啥问题,冲一冲半年$阿里拉姆制药(ALNY)$ 


2021-12-04 12:33


2021-11-14 09:44

Change in 24-Hour Mean Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) from Baseline to Month 3, Assessed by Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) [ Time Frame: Baseline to Month 3 ] 看了一下二期add-on 研究,primary endpoint在三个月,6个月是secondary endpoint。给药间隔目前还处于探索阶段,如果6个月可以维持,肯定推6个月

2021-11-13 23:00
