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回复@岭南之南: 我刚打赏了这条讨论 ¥6.00,也推荐给你。//@岭南之南:回复@张小丰:class warning原本就是有的,USPIs中本来就有,不是说这次要新加,别误导了。原本的随访在审批时也有15年要求。
As with all gene therapy products with integrating vectors (lentiviral or retroviral vectors), the potential risk of developing secondary malignancies is labeled as a class warning in the U.S. prescribing information (USPIs) for approved BCMA-directed and CD19-directed genetically modified autologous T cell immunotherapies. The initial approvals of these products included postmarketing requirements (PMRs) under Section 505(o) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) to conduct 15-year long term follow-up observational safety studies to assess the long-term safety and the risk of secondary malignancies occurring after treatment.
2023-11-29 00:07
FDA正在调查CART有可能造成T细胞癌症的问题,包括CD19和BCMA CART。根据调查结果会决定要不要给CART一个class warning也就是所有CART药品黑框警告。并且让所有CART临床病人都需要一辈子随访看会不会产生新的癌症。。。