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“Somewhere along the line, I decided that I would get rich, not so much for the love of money, but for the love of independence,” Munger has said. “I liked being able to say what I thought instead of what was expected of me” (Omaha World–Herald, May 2, 1999).

“Like Warren, I had a considerable passion to get rich not because I wanted Ferraris—I wanted the independence. I desperately wanted it. I thought it was undignified to have to send invoices to other people. I don’t know where I got that notion from, but I had it” (Janet Lowe, Damn Right! p. 4).

Kilpatrick, Andrew. Of Permanent Value: The Story of Warren Buffett (Part II) (Kindle Locations 12198-12200). 8th Avenue Books. Kindle Edition.




“和巴菲特一样,我对致富也非常狂热,”芒格说,“并不是因为我想要买法拉利 ——我想要的是可以独立的能力,对此我非常渴望。我认为给别人开账单有损我的尊严,虽然我不知道这种想法从何而来, 但我就是这么觉得的。”(第28页 中国人民大学出版社,2021年版)



I don’t think it’s wise to have an ambition to be president of the United States or a billionaire or something like that, because the odds are too much against you ,much better to aim low. I did not intend to get rich, I want to get independent , I just overshot



2023-12-15 06:51


2023-12-15 07:50

Somewhere along the line是意译吗?

2023-12-15 04:24



2023-12-15 04:23


2023-12-15 08:27


2023-12-15 08:20

2023-12-15 08:18

I thought it was undignified to have to send invoices to other people翻译为领工资,很棒