发布于: 雪球转发:1回复:12喜欢:3
$麦考林(MCOX)$ 悄悄地,这公司竟然盈利了,盈利水平远高于京东和当当嘛[大笑]

Net revenues increased 19.5% year over year to $14.9 million, compared to $12.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2013

Gross profit1 was $8.9 million, compared to $7.8 million in the fourth quarter of 2013

Gross margin was 59.6%, compared to 62.5% in the fourth quarter of 2013

Net income was $1.8 million, compared to a net loss of $11.2 million in the fourth quarter of 2013


2015-03-11 22:12

南京三胞集团,一开始主要卖电脑起身,宏图三胞,后来上市:宏图高科(主要是宏图三胞)!后又入股了南京新百商城,后上市:南京新百(有四个百货商场,2~3个写字楼,基本都是在南京新街道口,还有个药厂)!这两家是 三胞集团最主要的上市公司!三胞也收购了英国的百货公司HOF,国内美西,以色列的养老公司,上海的养老公司,准备都加入到“南京新百”,毕竟百货业务已经没多大前途! 三胞还收购了乐语手机,估计以后会加入到:宏图高科,卖3c日子不好过啊!三包集团也有金融产业:江苏银行1%,华泰证券2.5%等!也收购了拉手网

2015-03-10 22:10


2015-03-10 11:09
