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$A123 Systems(AONE)$

Lithium-ion battery maker A123 Systems Inc (AONE.O) reported a bigger quarterly loss and said Wanxiang Group Corp, a Chinese maker of auto parts, will invest up to $450 million in the company.

A123 had warned last month that it had cash to fund its operations for only the next four to five months.

The company reported a second-quarter net loss of $82.9 million, or 56 cents per share, from $55.4 million, or 44 cents per share, a year ago.

Revenue fell 53 percent to $17 million.

(Reporting by A. Ananthalakshmi in Bangalore; Editing by Roshni Menon)


2012-08-11 13:14

$A123 Systems(AONE)$ 看了下官网的新闻稿和电话会议稿,基本就是被万向非常之低的价格拿下了。2亿可转债大部分用来替换当前可转债,1.75亿或有行权资金,7500过桥贷款,行权前未绝对控股,行权后曰80%,他们自己说80%的计算基础是目前的总股本1.72亿。这样算下来平均转换价及行权价0.545每股。这公司-172%的季度毛利真是惊人,公司也承认目前处于烧钱状态。