发布于: 雪球转发:1回复:1喜欢:0
但土豆网和新浪微博的视频合作,跟其他视频网站的合作不一样啊。微博用户可以直接上传并保存视频在土豆网上,这一功能目前其他网站,包括酷6还没有。这种类型的合作酷6会不会有呢?//@TonyShen:We also have cooperation arrangements with many SNS platforms, including Sina Weibo. We intend to further improve our user experience, i.e. ease of upload, community features, etc, and to use revenue sharing to keep user loyalty steady.
2012-03-12 10:32
@TonyShen 说 :您怎么看待新浪微博和土豆合作,使微博用户可以将UGC视频上传并保存于土豆网上,导致土豆网近期用户和流量增加这件事。酷6网转型UGC,将来有类似的合作么计划么?怎样增强用户粘性?


2012-03-12 10:46

回复 @giselle: We are constantly improving our features, but can't say exactly which feature will be offered first.