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$航美传媒(AMCN)$ 我觉得航空wifi应该是做solution provider,做工程的总包商,设备采购的投入应该不是他们自己掏钱。相比之下,之前的火车wifi完全是昏招。

郭曼自己没有科技企业运营的经验,用几十个亿买了教训。航空wifi跟列车wifi的不同是,航空wifi有垄断性,4g的手机网络上不去,对航空wifi的运营方是一个机会。但能否产生meaningful revenue都是三年以后的事情,现在只是玩概念、找融资的阶段…


至于几千万美金的“第三方借款”,我在去年就指出这个诡异的write off。好像当时还让峰哥去问过公司管理层。但最后也无力再进一步探究下去了。SEC似乎对于这些问题也都不去investigate,评我们这些小股东能做什么呢……
2019-05-02 04:52
$航美传媒(AMCN)$ Finally, the cat is out of the bag, the reasons for the price drop over the last two years. How convenient to blame it on advances to third parties, hidden in the footnotes to the accounts, amounts that exceeded the then market cap of the company. Is this the...


2019-05-02 12:54

Inflight wifi is a different proposition compared to train wifi because of the pricing. Users need connectivity and are prepared to pay premium prices for it, but not for entertainment contents, which the airlines are already providing.So it is a question of revenue and cost sharing with the airlines. So how much of the capex cost can the company bear, even though they have tied up with Motorola for equipment sourcing? Solution providers require different skill sets and a steep learning curve and with the advent of 5G, new transponders are required and first adoptors will need to pay for the privilege and bear the risk of rapid price drop later.
The company will definitely need additional funding to meet the immediate cash shortage and if Guo really has the $5 million, he is better off subscribing for new shares in the company than to buy back existing shares, so the funds go to the company instead of issuing shares to new outsider shareholders and diluting his own existing stake. As it stands, without additional funding, the company won't last another 12 months and he is the best person to know what is really happening and how to stop the bleeding. Save the company first. The other shareholders are a lost cause, beyond redemption. This is the result of placing blind faith on someone who burnt throgh RMB 2.1 billion with nothing to show for it.