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$Opendoor(OPEN)$ 想了很久,opendoor的生意模式核心是定价系统。
2021-06-18 22:47
Nick Jones
Great. I guess, first, Carrie, could you remind us kind of what the impact of increasing interest rates might be in the business and Opendoor’s ability to kind of mitigate increasing interest rates and the impact, I guess, on the bottom l...


2021-06-23 23:13

$Opendoor(OPEN)$ 从过去一年多ibuying库存的变化看,opendoor的定价系统优于另外两个竞争对手。

2021-06-23 23:12

$Opendoor(OPEN)$ 从过去一年多ibuying库存的变化看,opendoor的定价系统优于另外两个竞争对手。