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The Company expects fourth quarter revenue to be in the range of $157 million to $167 million and EPS to be in the range of $1.03 to $1.13. For the full year 2019, the Company now expects revenue of $700 million to $710 million and EPS of $5.80 to $5.90, compared to the Company's previous guidance for revenue of $730 million to $750 million and EPS of $6.75 to $6.95. 

mean Rev grow 40% and EPS 24% in 2019. 

Our mission to deliver lifelong transformation one healthy habit at a time is resonating with consumers, and we are well on our course to deliver $1 billion in revenue with operating margins greater than 15% by 2021 as we've projected.

mean 20% CAGR in 2020-2021. Maybe it will be good price when peg<=1.


2019-11-24 12:19


2019-11-09 20:12

该 公司 增长基本跟COACH的增长完全一致,所以核心的驱动因子为 教练的数量与单个教练的产出。