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今年三月份,Berkshire Hathaway以116亿美元价格购买 Allegphany Corp,这是一家美国财产险和再保险公司。这也再次引发了我的好奇心,为什么这位非常懂保险行业的投资大师几乎不买寿险业务。恰巧有一位美国听众在之前的Berkshire年会上问过巴菲特和芒格同样的问题,我将原汁原味的对话附在文末,有兴趣的朋友可读一下。


最近我一直在思考保险公司的估值,今年保险已成为我的第一重仓,油气股降为第二仓位。 保险股估值说复杂也可以很复杂,要考虑因素很多。比如财险和寿险不同业务模式,寿险业务模式下高收益产品(比如年金险)占比差别,十年无风险利率走势,债券和股权投资结构,等等。但是,保险行业投资有一个比较简单可靠的指标,那就是市净率,背后主要考虑因素就是保险公司的资产(债券,股票,保险储备)和负债都是按市价计算,合理反映了当前价值。保险公司的无形资产也很小。



Q: Berkshire
has been investing in the property and casualty and reinsurance business. I
notice, except for annuities, you’ve been avoiding the life insurance business.
Do you anticipate investing in the life insurance business?

Sure. On the life business, we have no bias against the life business, we
just-we are in the life reinsurance business in a fairly significant way
through General Re. As you mentioned, we’ve done a little on annuities. The
problem with the life business is that it isn’t very profitable
, and you
can look at the records of the big companies on that, and that a lot of the
activity in the area is, in some way, equity-related. And Charlie and I have
never wanted to get in the business of managing equities for other people. I
mean, we want our sole interest on equities to be Berkshire Hathaway itself. So
we don’t want to wear two hats.
We would never go into the mutual fund
management business or any kind of investment management business because, if
we were to be managing $20 or $30 billion in the investment management
business, and we get a good idea that we can put a billion dollars in, you
know, whose money do we put in it? So, we’d rather just be wearing one
hat.    And that we want that hat to be
Berkshire Hathaway. And we don’t want to be promising other people that for,
you know, half of one percent or one percent fee that they’re going to get our
best ideas, because those ideas belong to Berkshire and we’d be misleading
people if we promised otherwise. So, anything that involves an equity
component to it and that’s a big part of what’s going on in the life business
It’s just something we wouldn’t be comfortable being involved with. If
you look at term life insurance, we’ve looked at that, in terms of putting it
on the internet. It’s priced at rates that we find very hard, even with the
absence of commissions, to make sense. But it’s a business we understand. So
we’d be perfectly willing to be in the life insurance business if we had a way
of doing it where we thought there was reasonable profitability attached to it.
Charlie, do you want to comment on the life business?

Charlie: No.
We do those structured settlements. That’s sort of like the annuity business.
And the life business we’re doing is mostly annuities and on a very low-cost

Yeah. Anyone wants to buy a non-equity-related annuity should go to our website
and find, in terms of the- weighting for the safety of the product and
everything, you’ll find a very, very competitive product because we, it’s a
low-cost operation. And if you’re buying it to get paid 30 years from now,
you’re certain to get paid from Berkshire, and you’re not necessarily certain
to get paid from various other entities. So we’ve got a very competitive
product there, but it’s not a big business.

$中国平安(SH601318)$    $中国太保(02601)$    $友邦保险(01299)$   


2022-06-24 09:39

人寿在美国不是很赚钱和美国低储蓄习惯也有一定关系 亚洲家庭不一样 储蓄率一般占一个家庭可支配收入的大头 这个钱得有个去处 所以世界最大的人寿保险都在亚洲 中国 香港 台湾 日本 新加波等等

2022-05-08 14:35


2022-05-08 14:18


2022-10-22 15:02


2022-05-08 20:56


2022-05-08 13:30
