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回复@Bear_Prince: 嘿嘿我又来了[暴富]请问下大佬的 tlt target看到多少
如果priced in july rate cut and average with 2025 rate cuts in two year basis,那么从2 yrs notes来看,大概还有23bps的利润。由于fed上调r^* 约 20bps,所以给到20+ yrs大概就3bps的空间,所以tlt现在这个位置是不是差不多了呀//@Bear_Prince:回复@Bear_Prince:30yr auction 1.5bps through. It tells how institutions think of inflation prints. Long end 的上涨还没有结束。明天有umich 数据。I think inflation expectation continues to go down. My opinion only not financial advice
2024-06-13 04:02
首先going into CPI预期如下:
CPI came in with both headline and Core weaker vs consensus. Specifically Core came in 0.16% MoM vs 0.28% consensus。而annulized 3.4%是3年来最低的reading。从细节来看,shelter仍然居高不下,但重要的...


06-15 03:44

我觉得20yr不能这么算,因为2yr到20yr有相当长的time value/vol。而且我觉得最近这期的fomc没有reflec5月的数据。我维持看多TLT,尤其近期的data came in surprise,可能只是刚刚开始。我手里TLTupside今天已经清空了,但下周如果有dip会伺机买入July 的upside~