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巴神原文:The human side is just as important. We don’t want managers we like and admire—and who have welcomed a major financial commitment by us—to ever lose any sleep wondering whether surprises might occur because of our large ownership. I have told them there will be no surprises, and these agreements put Berkshire’s signature where my mouth is. That signature also means the managers have a corporate commitment and therefore need not worry if my personal participation in Berkshire’s affairs ends prematurely (a term I define as any age short of three digits).








03-04 09:34



03-04 08:44

口头承诺加官方承诺 , 认真承诺并执行。

03-04 08:10


03-04 07:04


03-04 12:35

与其他大股东只是嘴上说说不同,巴菲特把自己对管理层的承诺通过书面形式给予保证,让管理层能够真正心无旁骛,一心一意谋发展。$腾讯控股(00700)$ $洋河股份(SZ002304)$

03-04 09:24

大师兄早安,新的一周go go go

03-04 13:55


03-04 10:00


03-05 01:20

1. **The human side is just as important.**
- **翻译:** 人的一面同样重要。
- **详解:**
- "The human side" 强调了人的一面。
- **重点单词:** human side(人的一面)
2. **We don’t want managers we like and admire—and who have welcomed a major financial commitment by us—to ever lose any sleep wondering whether surprises might occur because of our large ownership.**
- **翻译:** 我们不希望我们喜欢并钦佩的经理,他们已经欢迎我们的重大财务承诺,会因为我们的大量持股而不眠不休地担心是否会有意外发生。
- **详解:**
- "We don’t want managers we like and admire" 表示我们不希望我们喜欢并钦佩的经理。
- "and who have welcomed a major financial commitment by us" 并且他们已经欢迎我们的重大财务承诺。
- "to ever lose any sleep wondering whether surprises might occur because of our large ownership" 意味着永远不会让他们为了我们的大量持股而担心是否会发生意外。
- **重点单词:** managers(经理)、like and admire(喜欢并钦佩)、welcomed(欢迎)、major financial commitment(重大财务承诺)、lose sleep(不眠不休)、wondering(想知道)、surprises(意外发生)、large ownership(大量持股)
3. **I have told them there will be no surprises, and these agreements put Berkshire’s signature where my mouth is.**
- **翻译:** 我告诉过他们不会有意外,并且这些协议将伯克希尔的签名放在了我的嘴巴的地方。
- **详解:**
- "I have told them" 表示我已经告诉过他们。
- "there will be no surprises" 意味着不会有意外。
- "and these agreements put Berkshire’s signature where my mouth is" 表示这些协议将伯克希尔的签名放在了我的嘴巴的地方。
- **重点单词:** told(告诉)、surprises(意外发生)、agreements(协议)、put(放置)、Berkshire’s signature(伯克希尔的签名)、where my mouth is(在我的嘴巴的地方)
4. **That signature also means the managers have a corporate commitment and therefore need not worry if my personal participation in Berkshire’s affairs ends prematurely (a term I define as any age short of three digits).**
- **翻译:** 这个签名也意味着经理们有一个公司承诺,因此不需要担心如果我个人参与伯克希尔的事务提前结束(我定义为不到三位数的任何年龄)。
- **详解:**
- "That signature also means" 表示这个签名也意味着。
- "the managers have a corporate commitment" 意味着经理们有一个公司承诺。
- "and therefore need not worry" 表示因此不需要担心。
- "if my personal participation in Berkshire’s affairs ends prematurely" 意味着如果我个人参与伯克希尔的事务提前结束。
- "(a term I define as any age short of three digits)" 表示(我定义为不到三位数的任何年龄)。
- **重点单词:** signature(签名)、managers(经理)、corporate commitment(公司承诺)、need not worry(不需要担心)、personal participation(个人参与)、Berkshire’s affairs(伯克希尔的事务)、ends prematurely(提前结束)、define(定义)、three digits(三位数)