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巴神原文:This is my biennial letter to reemphasize Berkshire’s top priority which is that all of us continue to zealously guard Berkshire’s reputation. We can’t be perfect but we can try to be. As I’ve said in these memos for more than 25 years: “We can afford to lose money — even a lot of money. But we can’t afford to lose reputation — even a shred of reputation.” We must continue to measure every act against not only what is legal but also what we would be happy to have written about on the front page of a national newspaper in an article written by an unfriendly but intelligent reporter.

Sometimes your associates will say “Everybody else is doing it.” This rationale is almost always a bad one if it is the main justification for a business action. It is totally unacceptable when evaluating a moral decision. Whenever somebody offers that phrase as a rationale, in effect they are saying that they can’t come up with a good reason. If anyone gives this explanation, tell them to try using it with a reporter or a judge and see how far it gets them.










弹着吉他的少年2023-11-10 13:39

1. 经典,身边也有不少相关反面案例,不顾声誉借钱不还的,找不到理由时,别人都这样做就成了理由。

北京李淑娟2023-11-10 11:09

1.We can’t be perfect but we can try to be.
2.We can afford to lose money — even a lot of money. But we can’t afford to lose reputation — even a shred of reputation.
3.Sometimes your associates will say “Everybody else is doing it.” This rationale is almost always a bad one if it is the main justification for a business action.

Xue_W2023-11-10 10:16


书魂恋草2023-11-10 12:43

We can’t be perfect but we can try to be.

思秋雨2023-11-10 07:56



2023-11-10 20:04

We can’t be perfect but we can try to be.

2023-11-10 17:32


2023-11-10 16:57

1. "This is my biennial letter to reemphasize Berkshire’s top priority which is that all of us continue to zealously guard Berkshire’s reputation."
- 句型:这句话表明这是作者每两年发表的一封信,强调伯克希尔的首要任务是我们所有人都要热切地守护伯克希尔的声誉。
- 语法/用法:
- "This is my biennial letter" 意为“这是我的两年一次的信”,指明了信的频率。
- "to reemphasize Berkshire’s top priority" 意为“重申伯克希尔的首要任务”,说明了信的目的。
- "which is that all of us continue to zealously guard Berkshire’s reputation" 意为“即我们所有人继续热切地守护伯克希尔的声誉”,详细描述了首要任务。
- 重点单词:biennial(两年一次的),reemphasize(重申),top priority(首要任务),zealously(热切地),guard(守护),reputation(声誉)
2. "We can’t be perfect but we can try to be."
- 句型:这句话表明我们无法做到完美,但我们可以努力去做。
- 语法/用法:
- "We can’t be perfect" 意为“我们不能完美”,强调了不可能完美的事实。
- "but we can try to be" 意为“但我们可以努力去做”,提出了努力的可能性。
- 重点单词:perfect(完美),try(努力)
3. "As I’ve said in these memos for more than 25 years: 'We can afford to lose money — even a lot of money. But we can’t afford to lose reputation — even a shred of reputation.'"
- 句型:这句话表明作者在这些备忘录中已经说过25多年:“我们可以承受亏损 — 即使是大量的亏损。但我们无法承受失去声誉 — 即使是一点点声誉。”
- 语法/用法:
- "As I’ve said in these memos for more than 25 years" 意为“正如我在这些备忘录中说过25多年”,指明了言论的来源和时间。
- "'We can afford to lose money — even a lot of money. But we can’t afford to lose reputation — even a shred of reputation.'" 意为“‘我们可以承受亏损 — 即使是大量的亏损。但我们无法承受失去声誉 — 即使是一点点声誉。’”,强调了财务亏损和声誉损失的区别。
- 重点单词:memos(备忘录),afford(承受),lose money(亏损),reputation(声誉),shred(一点点)
4. "We must continue to measure every act against not only what is legal but also what we would be happy to have written about on the front page of a national newspaper in an article written by an unfriendly but intelligent reporter."
- 句型:这句话表明我们必须继续将每一个行为都与法律规定以及我们愿意在一篇由一个不友好但聪明的记者撰写的文章中刊登在国家报纸的头版上的内容进行比较。
- 语法/用法:
- "We must continue to measure every act against" 意为“我们必须继续将每一个行为都与…进行比较”,强调了行为的衡量标准。
- "not only what is legal" 意为“不仅是法律规定的内容”,强调了合法性的标准。
- "but also what we would be happy to have written about on the front page of a national newspaper" 意为“而且我们愿意在一篇由一个不友好但聪明的记者撰写的文章中刊登在国家报纸的头版上的内容”,强调了公众舆论和声誉的标准。
- 重点单词:measure(衡量),legal(合法的),happy(愿意),written about(被写到),front page(头版),national newspaper(国家报纸),unfriendly(不友好的),intelligent(聪明的),reporter(记者)
5. "Sometimes your associates will say 'Everybody else is doing it.' This rationale is almost always a bad one if it is the main justification for a business action."
- 句型:这句话表明有时你的同事会说:“每个人都在做。” 如果这是业务行动的主要理由,这个理由几乎总是不好的。
- 语法/用法:
- "Sometimes your associates will say" 意为“有时你的同事会说”,引出了同事的说法。
- "'Everybody else is doing it.'" 意为“‘每个人都在做。’”,引用了同事的观点。
- "This rationale is almost always a bad one if it is the main justification for a business action." 意为“如果这是业务行动的主要理由,这个理由几乎总是不好的”,评价了这种理由的质量。
- 重点单词:associates(同事),rationale(理由),almost always(几乎总是),bad(不好的),main justification(主要理由),business action(业务行动)
6. "It is totally unacceptable when evaluating a moral decision. Whenever somebody offers that phrase as a rationale, in effect they are saying that they can’t come up with a good reason. If anyone gives this explanation, tell them to try using it with a reporter or a judge and see how far it gets them."
- 句型:这句话表明在评估道德决定时,如果有人提出“每个人都在做”这个理由,那是完全不可接受的。每当有人以这个短语作为理由时,实际上他们在说他们找不到一个好理由。如果有人提出这个解释,请告诉他们尝试在记者或法官面前使用,并看看它能得到多远。
- 语法/用法:
- "It is totally unacceptable when evaluating a moral decision." 意为“在评估道德决定时,这是完全不可接受的”,指出了在道德层面上的不可接受性。
- "Whenever somebody offers that phrase as a rationale" 意为“每当有人以这个短语作为理由时”,强调了理由的提出。
- "in effect they are saying that they can’t come up with a good reason." 意为“实际上他们在说他们找不到一个好理由”,解释了理由的实际含义。
- "If anyone gives this explanation, tell them to try using it with a reporter or a judge and see how far it gets them." 意为“如果有人提出这个解释,请告诉他们尝试在记者或法官面前使用,并看看它能得到多远”,提出了对于这个理由的反驳建议。
- 重点单词:unacceptable(不可接受的),evaluating(评估),moral decision(道德决定),offers(提出),rationale(理由),in effect(实际上),come up with(提出),good reason(好理由),explanation(解释),try using(尝试使用),reporter(记者),judge(法官)

2023-11-10 23:43


2023-11-10 08:58


2023-11-10 07:56


2023-11-10 11:01


2023-11-10 12:23


2023-11-10 11:51


2023-11-13 22:13

We can’t be perfect but we can try to be👍