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巴神原文:The unwillingness of managers to do-unto-outsiders, however, is not matched by an unwillingness to do-unto-themselves. (Negotiating with one’s self seldom produces a barroom brawl.) Managers regularly engineer ten-year, fixed-price options for themselves and associates that, first, totally ignore the fact that retained earnings automatically build value and, second, ignore the carrying cost of capital. As a result, these managers end up profiting much as they would have had they had an option on that savings account that was automatically building up in value.

Of course, stock options often go to talented, value-adding managers and sometimes deliver them rewards that are perfectly appropriate. (Indeed, managers who are really exceptional almost always get far less than they should.) But when the result is equitable, it is accidental. Once granted, the option is blind to individual performance. Because it is irrevocable and unconditional (so long as a manager stays in the company), the sluggard receives rewards from his options precisely as does the star. A managerial Rip Van Winkle, ready to doze for ten years, could not wish for a better “incentive” system.



3.“engineer”意为“设计”、“制造”;“carrying cost”意为“账面成本”;



6.“Rip Van Winkle(瑞普·凡·温克尔)”是美国小说人物,他上山遇到一群人,在喝了他们的仙酒后,就睡了一觉。醒后下山回家,才发现时间已过了整整二十年,人世沧桑,一切都十分陌生;



当然,股票期权经常被授予给那些能干的、创造价值的高管。有时候,给予他们这些奖励是恰如其分的。事实上,真正杰出的管理者几乎总是得不到应有的回报(此处感谢@白马红袍 )。不过,公平的结果往往是个意外。期权一旦被授予,它就会对个人表现视而不见。由于期权是无条件的、不可撤销的(只要高管没有离职就行),懒汉也能和明星一样从期权中获得奖励。一位温克尔式的管理者,他都准备打上10年瞌睡了,对他来说,这样的“激励”系统就再好不过了。




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2023-10-16 15:59

1. "The unwillingness of managers to do-unto-outsiders, however, is not matched by an unwillingness to do-unto-themselves."
- 句型:这是一个复合句,包含了两个从句。
- 语法/用法:
- "The unwillingness of managers to do-unto-outsiders" 描述了管理人员不愿意向外部人员提供某种待遇。
- "is not matched by an unwillingness to do-unto-themselves" 表明他们对自己不愿意提供类似的待遇。
- 重点单词:unwillingness(不愿意)、managers(管理人员)、do-unto(提供待遇)、outsiders(外部人员)
2. "(Negotiating with one’s self seldom produces a barroom brawl.)"
- 句型:这是一个简单句。
- 语法/用法:
- "Negotiating with one’s self" 描述了自己与自己协商或达成协议的情况。
- "seldom produces a barroom brawl" 表达了这种协商或协议很少引发激烈争吵。
- 重点单词:Negotiating(协商)、barroom brawl(激烈争吵)
3. "Managers regularly engineer ten-year, fixed-price options for themselves and associates that, first, totally ignore the fact that retained earnings automatically build value and, second, ignore the carrying cost of capital."
- 句型:这是一个复合句,包含了两个从句。
- 语法/用法:
- "Managers regularly engineer ten-year, fixed-price options for themselves and associates" 描述了管理人员经常为自己和合作伙伴安排十年的固定价格期权。
- "that, first, totally ignore the fact that retained earnings automatically build value" 描述了第一个忽视的事实,即他们忽略了保留收益自动建立价值。
- "second, ignore the carrying cost of capital" 描述了第二个忽视的事实,即他们忽略了资本的成本。
- 重点单词:engineer(安排)、ten-year(十年的)、fixed-price options(固定价格期权)、retained earnings(保留收益)、automatically(自动地)、build value(建立价值)、carrying cost of capital(资本的成本)
4. "As a result, these managers end up profiting much as they would have had they had an option on that savings account that was automatically building up in value."
- 句型:这是一个简单句。
- 语法/用法:
- "As a result" 表示因此。
- "these managers end up profiting" 描述了这些管理人员最终获得了利润。
- "much as they would have had they had an option on that savings account" 比较了他们获得利润的方式,即与他们拥有一个自动增值的储蓄账户的期权类似。
- 重点单词:profiting(获利)、savings account(储蓄账户)、automatically building up in value(自动增值)
5. "Of course, stock options often go to talented, value-adding managers and sometimes deliver them rewards that are perfectly appropriate."
- 句型:这是一个复合句,包含了两个从句。
- 语法/用法:
- "Of course" 用于引出一个明显的事实。
- "stock options often go to talented, value-adding managers" 描述了股票期权通常授予有才能、增值能力强的管理人员。
- "and sometimes deliver them rewards that are perfectly appropriate" 表示有时期权会给予他们完全适当的奖励。
- 重点单词:stock options(股票期权)、talented(有才能的)、value-adding managers(增值能力强的管理人员)、rewards(奖励)、perfectly appropriate(完全适当的)
6. "(Indeed, managers who are really exceptional almost always get far less than they should.)"
- 句型:这是一个简单句。
- 语法/用法:
- "(Indeed," 用于强调前面的论点。
- "managers who are really exceptional almost always get far less than they should" 表示真正卓越的管理人员通常得到的奖励远远不及他们应该得到的。
- 重点单词:exceptional(卓越的)、almost always(几乎总是)、far less(远远不及)
7. "But when the result is equitable, it is accidental."
- 句型:这是一个简单句。
- 语法/用法:
- "But when the result is equitable" 表示在结果是公平的情况下。
- "it is accidental" 表明这种公平是偶然的。
- 重点单词:equitable(公平的)、accidental(偶然的)
8. "Once granted, the option is blind to individual performance. Because it is irrevocable and unconditional (so long as a manager stays in the company), the sluggard receives rewards from his options precisely as does the star."
- 句型:这是一个复合句,包含了两个从句。
- 语法/用法:
- "Once granted, the option is blind to individual performance" 描述了一旦授予期权,期权对个人绩效视而不见。
- "Because it is irrevocable and unconditional (so long as a manager stays in the company)" 进一步解释了期权的特点,即它是不可撤销和无条件的,只要管理人员留在公司。
- "the sluggard receives rewards from his options precisely as does the star" 比较了懒汉和明星的情况,说明期权奖励对他们来说是相同的。
- 重点单词:option(期权)、blind to(对...视而不见)、individual performance(个人绩效)、irrevocable(不可撤销的)、unconditional(无条件的)、sluggard(懒汉)、star(明星)

2023-10-16 15:36


2023-10-16 12:43


2023-10-16 20:12

今日打卡,day 129 !