特殊事件投资 - 向Wish许下一个心愿

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这是一个特殊事件投资(Special Situation),类似于之前介绍的并购套利策略







公司现在的大股东除了美国的指数基金,前几位里有知名的风投机构纪源资本(GGV Capital), General Atlantic,和刚刚离职的CEO Jun Yan,同时也是纪源资本的合伙人(看背景在国内还有北大和中欧)。他们与管理层应该有多年的投资和工作经验,如果哪位朋友有更多相关信息,欢迎来讨论。

$ContextLogic(WISH)$ $ContextLogic(LOGC)$ $拼多多(PDD)$


狸哥很懒05-17 10:50


浮云过太空05-17 18:02

NOL shell companies are not entirely unprecedented. After the US regional bank Washington Mutual failed during the financial crisis, its $6bn of NOLs were placed in a publicly traded company that launched in 2012. Eventually, private equity firm KKR invested hundreds of millions of dollars in that shell, known as WMIH. In 2018, WMIH finally merged with a real business, Nationstar Mortgage, at an aggregate valuation of $3.8bn. WMIH, the shares of which initially traded at around $10, are now above $70.

pipee05-17 10:35



05-17 10:50


05-17 13:07

Retained loss 卖掉有啥历史先例吗

05-17 10:35


05-17 10:53

感谢分享。我也分享一个账面上递延所得税资产超过市值的公司,$The RealReal(REAL)$ ,当然,并购当中是都可以免税,需要满足一定的条件,比如据我了解大公司收购基本是不行的,一般要是 merge 才可以。

Federal NOL 算的没错。90亿美金state NOL价值没有计算,按照加州8.84%企业税率,90亿美金state NOL价值为8亿美金左右。加上federal NOL价值为5.8亿美金,实际账面金额是13.8亿美金的免税额度。NOL合计价值每股$58美金。加上6.5美金的现金估值,企业估值是$65美金/股。

05-18 12:58

用gemini查了一下,这个Carryforward losses的使用应该还是有一些限制的。不知道ContextLogic能绕过去吗?
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) can be a way to utilize tax loss carryforwards (NOLs) to offset income tax in the US, but there are limitations and anti-abuse rules to consider. Here's a breakdown:
How it can work:
A profitable company can acquire a company with a history of losses, inheriting its NOLs.The profitable company can then use these NOLs to offset its own future taxable income, reducing its tax liability.
Limitations and hurdles:
Section 382: This IRS regulation limits the amount of NOLs a company can use after an ownership change like a merger. The purpose is to prevent companies from simply buying NOLs to avoid taxes.Change of Business: The IRS may restrict NOL use if the acquiring company significantly changes the acquired company's business after the merger.Principal Purpose Test: If the primary reason for the M&A is to acquire NOLs and not for legitimate business reasons, the IRS can disallow the NOL benefit.
Overall, using M&A for NOL benefits is complex and requires careful tax planning. Consulting with a tax advisor is crucial to ensure the M&A structure complies with regulations and effectively utilizes the NOLs.
Here are some additional points to consider:
There are two main types of tax loss carryforwards: NOLs (applicable to businesses) and capital loss carryforwards (applicable to businesses and individuals, with different rules). M&A typically deals with NOLs.NOLs can be carried forward for a certain number of years, but they eventually expire if not used.


05-17 14:21



05-17 12:42

请问有没有Special Situation 群?我也有案例想请教