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回复@我爱绩优: An abrupt shutdown of access to Chinese biotech companies would have devastating impacts on patients and biopharma companies, according to survey results BIO sent to Capitol Hill Wednesday. The survey is intended to help shape the debate over the Biosecure Act (H.R. 7580) and a similar Senate bill, the Prohibiting Foreign Access to American Genetic Information Act (S. 3558).
“We must thoughtfully and over a reasonable period of time work to decouple our dependence and regain U.S. biomanufacturing dominance to advance our national security and public health interests,” BIO President and CEO John Crowley wrote in a message introducing the survey results...//@我爱绩优:回复@阿冰的投资涂鸦板:根据BIO周三发送给国会山的调查结果,突然关闭进入中国生物技术公司的渠道将对患者和生物制药公司产生毁灭性影响。该调查旨在帮助塑造关于《生物安全法》(H.R. 7580)和参议院类似法案《禁止外国获取美国遗传信息法》(S.3558)。
BIO总裁兼首席执行官John Crowley在介绍调查结果的信息中写道:“我们必须深思熟虑,在合理的时间内努力解决我们的依赖性,重新获得美国生物制造主导地位,以促进我们的国家安全和公共卫生利益。”
2024-05-09 13:11