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$百度(BIDU)$ 成为老虎仔Robert Karr (Joho Capital)的第三大仓位(13.7%)。

第一、二、四为$谷歌(GOOG)$ (25.3%)、$美赞臣(MJN)$ (15.2%)和$雅诗兰黛(EL)$ (11.3%)。




2013-05-14 03:13

John Burbank的Passport Capital和Robert Karr对着干,看好$奇虎360(QIHU)$

Carlson Block继续认为奇虎是个假货。

"Block reiterated that he thinks Chinese Internet company Qihoo 360 Technology (QIHU) Co. is a “fraud,” though he said he wasn’t currently betting against the stock. John Burbank, founder of $3.8 billion San Francisco-based hedge-fund firm Passport Capital LLC, said at the Las Vegas conference that his firm likes Qihoo."