博枫PE股东信摘抄 2022Q3

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Resilient and Growing Cash Flow


Our objective is to create long-term growth in intrinsic value per unit, primarily through capital appreciation.


Our strategy is simple: buy great businesses for reasonable value and take a hands-on approach to improve the operations of the businesses we own.

我们的策略很简单: 以合理的价格收购伟大的企业,并亲力亲为改善我们所拥有企业的运营。

We fund our growth, in part, through our capital recycling initiatives including cash generated within our operations and the sale of our business interests at the right time.


We have been deliberate over the last few years investing in larger-scale providers of essential products and services. Today, about 75% of our annual EBITDA is derived from large-scale, market-leading operations with stable and resilient cash flows.


The durability of these operations has been an enormous advantage in the current environment and will continue to support resilient performance across all market cycles.


As our business has evolved, we have also continued to build value within our operations. To put this in context, the EBITDA of businesses we have acquired over the past five years has improved by approximately $275 million, at our share, and most of this value creation has been achieved by focusing on repeatable processes to enhance business performance across all sectors and regions in which we operate.


The execution of our value creation plans, combined with the quality of businesses we own today, means the earnings of our operations should continue to grow.


Apart from growth, the intrinsic value of our business, which we define as the present value of all cash flows our operations will generate in the future, should also continue to increase.


Our annual free cash flow has increased to $3.65 per unit, representing a compound annual growth rate of approximately 30% since we launched our business in 2016. This substantial level of cash flow, separate from any capital recycling, provides us with significant flexibility to reinvest in our operations, reduce borrowings or fund future growth activities.


【Strategic Initiatives 战略举措】

Last month, alongside our institutional partners, we reached an agreement to sell Westinghouse, our nuclear technology services operation, to a strategic consortium led by Cameco Corporation and Brookfield Renewable Partners for approximately $8 billion. This agreement was the result of a sales process that began earlier this year.

上个月,我们与我们的机构合作伙伴达成协议,将我们的核技术服务业务西屋电气以约80亿美元的价格出售给由$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ $Brookfield再生能源(BEP)$ 领导的战略财团。这项协议是今年早些时候开始的销售过程的结果。

We acquired Westinghouse out of bankruptcy in 2018 at a time when nuclear energy was not widely viewed as a reliable clean source of baseload power. We appointed a world-class management team and over the past four years worked closely with them to strengthen the organizational structure, refocus on profitable service and product offerings and invest in new technologies.


Since our acquisition, Westinghouse has strengthened its position as an industry leader and its EBITDA has nearly doubled to an annual run rate of approximately $800 million. Today the business is ideally positioned to benefit from strong industry tailwinds driven by increased recognition of nuclear power playing a critical role in achieving global decarbonization goals and energy security.


We expect to generate approximately $1.8 billion in net proceeds from the sale of our 44% interest in Westinghouse, which combined with distributions received to date, will equate to approximately 6x our invested capital of $405 million. The transaction is expected to close in the second half of next year, subject to unitholder and various regulatory approvals.


The monetization of Westinghouse is a precursor of what is to come. We have other businesses which will reach a mature state, and subject to market conditions and other factors, should provide us substantial monetization opportunities.


In addition, we have been very active over the last few years, investing more than $5 billion at our share to acquire larger scale and more resilient operations.


It will take time for us to build value within these operations, but at the low end of our value creation expectations these businesses should generate $12 billion of proceeds for our business when it comes time to monetize them.



2023-01-07 20:31

刚看了David Rubenstein对Brookfield CEO - Bruce Flatt的采访,才知道原来还有这么一家低调而独特的资产管理公司/运营商