博枫股东信摘抄 2021Q1

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$Brookfield资管(BAM)$ 从历年#博枫股东信#中,随手摘选一些时效性不强的文字。


Our Business is About Planting Seeds and Then Harvesting the Crops


Our business is about buying and growing businesses. We buy in areas in which we have expertise; we then try to operate the assets well; and finally we harvest cash from those assets when it makes sense. Some years are better for planting seeds, others are better for harvesting. Rarely are both exceptional at the same time, in the same place. This is why being diversified by business and country is important.


During 2020, we made many investments and deployed substantial capital. As we turn to 2021, the capital markets in developed markets are robust and we are monetizing assets at excellent values. On the other hand, in some markets like India, China, and Europe, markets are less flush with capital and therefore offer opportunities for buyers. In addition, some businesses were more affected by the pandemic – such as hotels, travel, tourism, in-person retail and other businesses which rely on human touch. Many of these sectors need capital, and we are focused on a number of them.


On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are times when it is good to sell assets and times when it is not. It is better to sell when markets are robust. In the first half of 2020, most private assets were not saleable at reasonable prices, so we sold almost nothing. Our results reflected it.


Today, on the other hand, it is time to harvest in many places. Central banks have put enormous stimulus into developed economies to ensure markets recover from the recession, resulting in substantial availability of capital. Therefore, in the last quarter of 2020 and first quarter of 2021, we harvested substantial cash through asset sales – resulting in $19 billion returned to clients and $5 billion added to our balance sheet, with most of these sales in excess of our view of long term value, and almost all in excess of IFRS values.


Culture is Everything


Part of our confidence in our real estate business stems from our long-term perspective, and our having been in the business for many decades. The other factor is our experience in building a company culture. There has been a debate going on in the news globally about whether a company should have office space, or whether instead it can merely exist online. Our view is that in the short term many survived without an office, but in the long term, a company will not prosper without the interaction that comes with people working together in an office. We come to this conclusion for numerous reasons, but mostly because of Culture.


Clayton M. Christensen, James Allworth and Karen Dillon captured the meaning of Culture in a section of their book “How Will You Measure Your Life?” It goes as follows:


Culture is a way of working toward common goals that have been followed so frequently and so successfully that people don’t even think about trying to do things another way. If a Culture has formed, people will autonomously do what they need to be successful. These instincts aren’t formed overnight. Rather they are the result of shared learning—of employees working together to solve problems and figuring out what works.


The advantage of this is that it effectively causes an organization to become self-managing. Managers don’t need to be omnipotent to enforce the rules. People instinctively get on with what needs to be done.


As far back as ancient Rome, emperors would send off an associate to govern a newly conquered territory thousands of miles away. As the emperors watched the chariot go over the hill—knowing full well they would not see their associate again for years—they needed to know that their understudy’s priorities were consistent with their own, and that he [or she] would use proven, accepted methods to solve problems. Culture was the only way to make sure this happened.


We are not in Roman times, but the Culture of an organization is often the difference between those seemingly always able to make good decisions, and those which often seem to make bad decisions. To make this specific point, we ask you to pause and reflect on companies and management teams you have invested with. We suspect that when you do so, you will find a strong Culture in the great companies you’ve invested with, and a weak Culture in the average to below-average ones. This is not an accident.


This leads us back to office space. We believe the Culture of a company can only be maintained with a physical presence. Video technology can assist, but it cannot replace physical presence. Companies without a distinct Culture will slowly die over time if they try to get by on video interaction. Of course, some jobs can be done from home, and many specific activities in fact are augmented by video technology, but offices are a very important part of bringing people together in order to build trust for advancing goals and dealing with the inevitable tough times all organizations face on occasions. Furthermore, without the learning that is passed on from more experienced colleagues to younger generations—and the camaraderie created by an office—there is no link between humans. With no links between humans, a Culture does not exist, and with no Culture, eventually there will be no company.


We look forward to seeing you at the office.


Infrastructure Privatization is Accelerating


Infrastructure assets continue to move into private hands; institutional capital is increasingly available for investment in infrastructure; and the stability of cash flows over the last year has proved the durability of the infrastructure business.


During the last year, two very significant macro events occurred. Each adds very substantially to the positive backdrop for global infrastructure investment. The first is that to create the stimulus programs to combat the pandemic, virtually every government in the world borrowed more money than they ever imagined and have yet to address the question of how to pay it back.


The second is that interest rates were reduced very substantially and unless central banks get it wrong in exiting this period, they look to stay “lowish” for this cycle. As a result, institutional investors increasingly turn to alternative investments to enhance returns as they continue to rotate out of low-yielding government bonds.


With respect to repaying government debt, there are only two ways out: economies must grow and generate increased taxes to ensure that the debt can be serviced and reduced, or assets must be sold. For a government, asset sales generally mean the sale of infrastructure assets and/or letting others (the private sector) make future investment when they are required. As a result, private infrastructure spending is set to increase in a step change fashion. This will create opportunities for private investors for decades.


Using just two examples, the global economy will require trillions of dollars of investment to bring 5G to their citizens (cell towers, data centers, fiber) and to transport natural gas to Asian economies so they can decarbonize away from coal. Farther away, the capital required to decarbonize the electricity grid and transition away from fossil fuels is one of the greatest investment undertakings to have ever been contemplated.


The returns earned from our infrastructure investments have been excellent. The ±15% compound annual returns we’ve realized over 15 years would be a strong return in any asset class, but given the durability of infrastructure cash flows, it is even more exceptional. The cash-flow durability showed through during 2020, as every asset of ours was deemed essential and, with very few exceptions, generated the cash flows that were expected. This means infrastructure has passed the test and has become a full-scale asset class for investors – a far cry from where we started 20 years ago. As a result, we are now in a growth cycle of opportunities to invest, greater capital available to put to work, and a very strong backdrop to the business.


Even with an extremely positive backdrop, business is never easy; others have observed these same trends and are investing directly or raising third-party capital to invest into infrastructure. As a result, we have to be creative with our deals, but as always we will utilize our global reach and scale of operations to differentiate our capital from that of others. We think the odds favor a good decade ahead.


Interest Rates are Still Very Low


We believe central banks will be successful in engineering GDP growth and increased employment, which will in turn allow central banks to increase short rates from the zero bound level they have been tethered to for over a year. The ideal scenario is to have short rates in the U.S. increase slowly from zero to 2-ish% in the 2022/23 period. If this is in fact the case, a 10-year treasury note may see ±3%; this will mean global economies are doing well, creating a very constructive environment for the assets we own.


Many of our assets benefit from inflation protection, in addition to low-ish interest rates. It is very important to note that short rates at roughly 2% and long rates at roughly 3% are still very low compared to what has historically been reflected in underwriting the investments we make. In addition, rising rates generally means GDP is growing. Most of our businesses are resilient in tough environments but more valuable when underlying fundamentals are strong. The ideal conditions for us are strong economic growth combined with somewhat higher rates.


The only scenario that would be disruptive is short rates increasing precipitously to 4-5% due to out-of-control inflation, and no growth in the underlying economies (stagflation). However, we do not expect this to arise in this cycle, and therefore we expect the environment to be constructive.


The return demanded for most of our investable asset classes have come down due to the decrease in risk-free rates globally, producing increases in asset values. The one laggard is commercial property assets, which are only now starting to move up. We would normally have seen values rise before now in response to the interest rate reductions; however, this hasn’t yet happened as a result of the perception of the impact of Covid and all that came with it in terms of real estate. As this perception abates, and in particular as people re-occupy offices globally, there is room for cap rates to move down and value to go up. If views toward commercial property strengthen, the appreciation of assets should occur irrespective of modest interest rate movements upward, as the spread of cap rates over interest rates is currently one of the widest ever.



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