博枫股东信摘抄 2020Q2

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$Brookfield资管(BAM)$ 从历年#博枫股东信#中,随手摘选一些时效性不强的文字。


Data Infrastructure is the Next Frontier


For a number of years, we have been investing in the backbone infrastructure behind the internet and mobile phones. We have now reached critical mass with these investments, and as a result they will constitute an increasingly meaningful part of our business.


Most importantly, we are in the midst of a once-in-a-hundred-year upgrade cycle for data infrastructure. The aging copper infrastructure is no longer able to cope with demands imposed by an increasingly interconnected world. These networks are therefore being replaced by fiber infrastructure, which can support increases in data demand, lower latency and faster broadband speeds. Concurrently, wireless networks are undergoing a transformation to support enhanced connectivity for 5G that is fast coming.


On a combined basis, these upgrades are expected to require trillions of dollars of capital globally over the next five to seven years. Historically, such investments were funded by telecom operators, but given increasing demands on their capital, they are now seeking funding partners. They are also increasing their reliance on neutral-host, shared infrastructure models to enhance their return on capital.


Our original thesis for investing in data was based on the belief that data infrastructure assets have utility-like characteristics with favorable growth trajectories and play a central role in connecting people, places and objects. The importance of these networks was further reinforced during the pandemic, as access to robust and reliable connectivity became a basic need for performing routine activities such as working from home, remote learning and telemedicine. This was exemplified by our U.K. fiber networks, where average data consumption increased 40% compared to the same period last year.


As we expand our operations, we now are reaping the benefits of being one of the largest owners of cell tower portfolios globally, with a contracted base of over 180,000 sites in six countries. In addition, we continue to grow our data center business with approximately 70 sites in 14 countries able to serve the scale and latency requirements of a diverse customer base, and we have fixed and wireless networks serving over 2.5 million residential and enterprise customers.


There are also exciting opportunities embedded within our broader business. Continued adoption of cloud computing is expected to require very substantial incremental data center capacity over the next decade. At the same time, the users and operators of these facilities are focused on achieving their stated carbon reduction targets. We are well positioned to help support these goals. Combining our renewables group activities with our data center offerings could be a game changer for us.


Doubling Down for a Renewable Future


We have been building our renewable power business for the past 25 years, but the technological and manufacturing advances in the solar industry over the past five years may make the next 25 years even more exciting than the past 25. For context, we own approximately $10 billion worth of shares of our renewable partnership, in addition to the fee income that results from our managing renewables investment funds on behalf of our clients. As a result, this is a very meaningful part of our business, and we expect it to become much larger.


Our renewables partnership has a ±$20 billion equity capitalization, and along with other client capital we manage, this backs ±$50 billion of operating assets, a substantial development pipeline, and a depth of expertise across solar, wind and hydro renewable facilities.

我们的$Brookfield再生能源(BEP)$ 拥有约200亿美元的股本,加上我们管理的其他客户资本,这支持了约500亿美元的运营资产,一个庞大的开发管道,以及在太阳能、风能和水力可再生能源设施方面的深度专业知识。

Only five years ago we were not investing in solar because of the high cost of construction, subsidies required to enable projects to earn a reasonable return, and technology issues. Today, solar no longer requires subsidies in many countries and is amongst the lowest-cost sources of power globally. As a result, in a very short time we have added 3,000 megawatts of solar to our operations and have an additional 10,000 megawatts under development. To put this in perspective, solar panel costs are now 25% of what they were seven years ago. At that build cost, solar is very competitive in most markets, and it has the added benefit of being the most renewable.


We recently completed the merger of TerraForm Power into Brookfield Renewable on an all-stock basis. TerraForm Power was one of the largest owners of solar globally prior to its bankruptcy in 2016. We acquired approximately 60% of it through a financial restructuring, implemented a new operating plan, and restarted the growth of the business. This has given all TerraForm shareholders, including us, a 35% compound return and over a tripling of value since our involvement with the business began. 我们最近完成了terrform Power与Brookfield Renewable的全股票合并。在2016年破产之前,terrform Power是全球最大的太阳能所有者之一。我们通过财务重组收购了大约60%的股份,实施了新的运营计划,并重新启动了业务增长。这为包括我们在内的所有terrform股东带来了35%的复合回报率,自我们参与该业务以来,其价值增长了两倍以上。

More recently, we agreed to acquire a 1,200-megawatt solar development project in Brazil. This is one of the largest solar development projects in the world, and it will require both our development and energy marketing capabilities to bring the project to completion. We should be able to drive down procurement, installation and operating costs to deliver further value over time, which could make this an exceptional investment.


We continue to believe we are in the early innings of significant growth in renewables, and we are doubling down on this. We believe our disciplined cash flow focus and our global operating platform will continue to enable us to generate value from this sector for many years to come. With the growth we foresee, it appears that 10 years from now, solar will likely be the largest sector of our renewables business. That’s quite a change from five years ago, when we weren’t convinced it represented a prudent investment.


Low Interest Rates Mean Higher Valuations


There is almost no debate that a good portion of the last few months’ stock and bond market reflation has been due to the money pumped into the financial system by governments post-Covid, as well as the oil market collapse. What has been lost in this story is the fact that, contemporaneously, central banks around the globe reduced interest rates to zero. It also appears that interest rates will stay at zero for a good while—and barring a change in the macro environment, rates will stay in a low range for the next five to 10 years. Zero to low rates have great influence regarding the valuations of assets and businesses.


Streams of income that have durability to them will be even more valuable when markets recover, as low interest rates make cash flows from investments such as alternatives even more compelling. Even recently, institutional and retail savers were able to earn ±2% in government bonds, but with all government debt now paying a nil return. Thus, the alternatives of real estate, infrastructure, renewables, private equity and private credit have become even more compelling. It is very likely that long-let property, contracted or regulated infrastructure, long-leased renewables and private credit assets will have higher valuations a year from now than they did a year ago.


As an example, someone who owns an office building that is fully leased to good-quality tenants with rents locked in for the longer term, generating $50 million of cash flow pre-Covid, could take on and service about $700 million of 4% debt and have $22 million cash flow left over for the equity owners. With interest rates dropping, that mortgage is now at approximately 2.25%, meaning the cash flows to the equity have become ±$35 million. The value of the equity on this property was ±$600 million pre‑Covid—and today it’s likely ±$1 billion.


A second example concerns the value of an operating business with stable cash flows. Westinghouse, a company we own, provides engineering and technology services to owners of nuclear power plants. It has had extremely stable revenues through the last six months, and we expect that to continue in the future. The EBITDA was $600 million pre-Covid (and still produces that), and at a 10 times multiple of cash flow, that business was valued at $6 billion last year. With approximately $3 billion of debt, the equity was approximately $3 billion. Now, with the world searching for returns and this business having proven its resilience, a multiple of 12 to 15 times is potentially more reasonable. If so, the equity of the business is now approximately $4 to $6 billion, suggesting an increase of upwards of $3 billion over its value at the start of this year.

第二个例子与具有稳定现金流的经营性企业的价值有关。我们拥有的西屋电气公司(Westinghouse)为核电站所有者提供工程和技术服务。在过去的6个月里,它的收入非常稳定,我们预计这种情况将在未来继续下去。新冠疫情前的息税折旧摊销前利润为6亿美元(目前仍在生产),按现金流的10倍计算,该业务去年的估值为60亿美元。加上约30亿美元的债务,股本约为30亿美元。如今,随着全世界都在寻找回报,而该业务也证明了自己的韧性,12至15倍的估值可能更为合理。如果是这样的话,该公司的股本现在约为40 - 60亿美元,这意味着其价值比今年年初增加了30亿美元以上。

Of course, the above does not apply for assets where the cash flows are uncertain. Although it is also very possible that many of these assets will also receive higher multiples, it may take time for investors to gain confidence in those income streams so that they can be awarded.


Change is Constant but People are People


The world is always changing, and technology advances have changed the world for the good for centuries. Technology in various forms has become more relevant every year and that will only continue. At the end of the day, however, people are social beings and have, for centuries, increasingly chosen to live with others. We do not think that the current situation will reverse the urbanization trend that has been underway for a long time and has only accelerated over the past 25 years.


This has been the trend because people like to be with others, be close to the action, meet new and interesting people, and exchange ideas. Ideas are most often generated face-to-face and spontaneously, not by people communicating from a distance or scheduling appointments. Offices and cities have been designed to ensure that people can meet with others; that offices incubate the culture of a company; and that they are important tools in training and growing younger talent. While we have seen these interactions constrained in the short term, we don’t believe this will alter the long-term trend in any meaningful way.


Some have concluded that video conferencing will allow virtually everyone to work from home and, in fact, work from locations away from the cities. That won’t work in the longer term because humans learn from cues picked up by seeing, hearing and being with others. The internet, phone and video can be enhancing tools, but each only works well when combined with face-to-face communication.


The same arguments about distanced working were made when the automobile became ubiquitous, the telephone allowed transcontinental conversations, and the internet enabled online communication. None of these has changed the fact that people favor being in cities and in offices. In fact, quite the opposite has always been true in past. These communication tools historically enhanced great cities and offices rather than supplanting them. We think this will play out the same way this time as well.


We believe video conferencing, like the internet, will allow more people to choose where they work. But contrary to what some say, based on observations of the past, we believe this will only enhance the desirability of large cities—and the offices and other urban spaces in them—and this will increase the concentration of people in major urban centers like New York, London, Shanghai, Sydney, Toronto, São Paulo, Mumbai and others globally. We believe young, entrepreneurial future leaders will continue to gravitate to dynamic energetic cities while using technological advances to augment their experience and productivity.



2022-09-14 14:04


2022-09-14 10:03
