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只有一个外国出生的移民才能真正欣赏到中国的优点,以及中国民众适应时代变化的能力。//@坚信价值:回复@坚信价值:翻译一下这句很有道理很有共鸣的话:“只有一个外国出生的移民才能真正欣赏到美国的优点,以及美国民众适应时代变化的能力” ("It takes a foreign-born person to appreciate the United States, and the ability of the American people to adapt.")
2014-04-06 14:29
Fayez Sarofim名言: “焦虑摧毁财富。”
("It takes a foreign-born person to appreciate the United States, and the ability of the American people to adapt. Nervous energy is a great destroyer of wealth.")
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