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In Africa, China is building influence, brick by brick, by Jevans Nyabiage.

New headquarters for West African regional bloc is Beijing’s latest multimillion dollar ‘gift’ in decades of diplomatic outreach
The structures are meant to project Beijing as an enduring partner on the continent, expert says.

Earlier this month, officials in the Nigerian capital of Abuja broke ground for the new headquarters of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
When completed in just over two years, the complex will enable the regional bloc of 15 member countries to conduct business in one centralised site instead of the three separate locations they now work in.
The US$32 million facility to be on 7 hectares (17 acres) of government-donated land is being paid for by China – the latest in a series of high-profile donations in several African countries as Beijing increases its clout on the continent.

“To sponsor and construct the new headquarters is a vivid reflection of China’s support to the work of ECOWAS, as well as the traditional friendship between China and the West African countries,” said Cui Jianchun, China’s ambassador to Nigeria.

“China will continue to promote the common development of China and Africa, and is ready to make new contributions to building the China-Africa community.”
Cui said the building showed China’s “sincere determination” to support the unity, peace and development of Africa, as well as efforts to promote Africa’s infrastructure development.

The project, which had been agreed to in 2018, is being funded by the Chinese government through the China International Development Cooperation Agency.
Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari called the effort “a symbol of China’s commitment to ECOWAS”.