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$易车(BITA)$ 一季度出什么事情了?为什么利润这么低?
Bitauto currently expects to generate revenue in the range of RMB630.0 million (US$101.5 million) to RMB650.0 million (US$104.8 million) in the first quarter of 2015, representing a 78.2% to 83.9% year-over-year increase. Bitauto currently expects non-GAAP loss/profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the parent from RMB-5.0 million (US$-0.8 million) to RMB5.0 million (US$0.8 million) in the first quarter of 2015.


2015-03-09 19:51


2015-03-09 19:12
