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这个是$长春高新(SZ000661)$ 正在研发的EG017在乳腺癌市场潜力有60亿美金的出处,而且Veru专门讲了专利的价值有有效期。“Enobosarm represents the first new class of endocrine therapy for advanced breast cancer in decades. By targeting the AR in ER+ HER2- metastatic breast cancer, enobosarm introduces a novel endocrine therapy to patients with breast cancer that have exhausted endocrine therapies targeting ER, but prior to IV chemotherapy. We have successfully ompleted the exclusive in-license of full worldwide rights to enobosarm from the University of Tennessee Research Foundation and the Ohio State Research Foundation,” said Mitchell Steiner, M.D., Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Veru Inc. “We are also pleased to have reached agreement with the FDA to initiate a single Phase 3 enobosarm 'ARTEST' registration clinical trial in ER+/HER2- metastatic breast cancer, which we expect to commence in the first half of calendar year 2021. Enobosarm has strong intellectual property protection with composition of matter patent expiry in 2029 and with possible 5-year patent extension to 2034 and method of use for breast cancer patents expiry 2034. The global annual market for an oral agent in an ER endocrine resistant setting is estimated to be $6 billion.”@交流1974
2024-07-15 14:54