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Euronav Is A Key Beneficiary Of The U.S.-China Trade Deal


本文对美国雪球seeking alpha的作者Darren先生的雄文中一些感兴趣的内容进行翻译整理,供大家讨论,如果各位对他的其他文章感兴趣,欢迎大家直接去关注拜读:)


In 2017, the US exported $127 billion worth of goods to China. If the quotas above are accomplished, it would represent 2020 US to China goods exports increasing 60% over the 2017 baseline. In 2021, that quota further increases to 97% over the 2021 baseline.Almost all the $64 billion in additional goods targeted for 2020 will travel by ship. Almost all the additional $98 billion in goods targeted for 2021 will travel by ship.


Add to this that US to China is one of the longest trade routes in the world, roughly twice as long as the average energy product trade route, and you can see shipping demand is going to increase substantially. Effectively, you need two ships to transport the same amount of goods from the US Gulf to China as you would have needed from the average route. Combining a 97% increase in US goods exported to China, with roughly twice the distance being traveled on the US Gulf to China energy route, gives you about a 3x increase in US to China ton-mile demand. That's a lot of extra ton-miles being traveled by ships. That's a lot of extra demand for ships.


It's going to support ship lease rates. Ships such as Panamax and Neo-Panamax dry bulk ships that can transport agricultural or coal products through the Panama Canal. Ships such as LNG carriers and VLGCs that can transport LNG and LPG through the Panama Canal. Oil tankers that can do the same, or even better VLCCs that can't go through the canal and thus must take the even longer route around the Cape of Good Hope.



The time to install scrubbers has been running about 50% over original estimates (6 weeks instead of 4).


IMO 2020 regulations that require either the burning of costly low sulfur fuel oil or the installation of a scrubber to remove this sulfur from high sulfur fuel oil. Newer ships are leaving the fleet to install scrubbers. The scrubber installs however have been taking 50% longer than originally expected and are being delayed by many companies due to high ship lease rates. Thus, the reduction in available shipping tonnage isn't just a Q4 2019 effect. It in fact may last through the rest of 2020.

国际海事组织(IMO) 2020年的规定要求要么燃烧昂贵的低硫燃料油,要么安装一个洗涤器来清除高硫燃料油中的硫。更新的船只离开舰队去安装洗涤器。然而,安装涤气器的时间比最初预计的长了50%,而且由于船租费高,许多公司都推迟了安装时间。因此,可用船舶吨位的减少不仅仅是2019年第四季度的影响。事实上,它可能会持续到2020年。


Oil tanker lease rates are currently high. $62k on a VLCC or roughly double what they were running the same week last year. Those rates have been falling, but that is due to normal seasonality. The better way to think about rates is vs. the same time last year and on that basis, they are very strong. The seasonal trough, which typically occurs near the end of February due to the Chinese New Year, was about $20k last year. This year it's looking like we are going to easily beat that number. With this year’s season spike not only being more than 2x previous years but also starting earlier and lasting longer in duration.


(补:根据推特上Joakim Hannisdahl先生所说,由于2019年四季度运费突然上升涌进的热钱很多,今年的季节性对运费的影响可能会更加强烈,船员们做好准备)

In fact, it appears we are only in the first few innings of an extended shipping upcycle. As shown in the US-China Trade deal section above, that trade deal should be very supportive of almost all shipping rates. Yet the increase in the US to China energy quota is even more notable than the overall picture, with $6.9 billion in US to China energy exports in 2017 targeted to increase to a whopping $40.8 billion by 2021 (a $33.9 billion or 490% increase). A 490% increase in the volume of oil transported on a route that is 2x the average distance, should do wonders for Euronav’s ship demand and lease rates. That is not to imply it’s an increase in overall worldwide energy being shipped, rather it’s a switch from a Middle East to China or Australia to China route to a US to China route. However, because that route is so much longer, roughly twice as many ships need to be used to support it.


While as stated we are in the seasonally weak period, and rates will likely continue to fall for the next week or two, I see them recovering in March and April and enjoying ongoing support from thereon. Best guess at levels roughly 2x what they were during comparable times in 2019.



Slow steaming of ships without scrubbers. The spreads between compliant and non-compliant fuels are running higher than expected. Low sulfur fuel oil currently runs about $280 more per ton than high sulfur fuel oil. This adds up to about an extra $12k per day in cost for a fully-laden VLCC without a scrubber. If this VLCC chooses to slow steam however they save a significant amount of that fuel and thus reduce the impact of this extra cost. Doing so however also reduces ship availability. If they travel slower, they will also take longer to make each voyage. So, there is a trade-off between extra fuel cost and extra lease days ship contracting firms need to consider. The net result is a reduction in ship availability and thus higher lease rates, but how much reduction in ship availability and climb in lease rates is difficult to say. We know rates will likely be supported by slow steaming, but not how much.



Scrapping is another supporting factor. Management teams will hold off on scrapping a ship as long as they can when rates are as high as they are currently running. However, special surveys also cost a lot of money and are coming due on 22.5-year-old ships which aren't scrubber-equipped. The economics of paying for these special survey and scrubber install costs remain prohibitive unless one is 100% certain current high lease rates will continue for the next 5 years. No one can ever be 100% certain about such things, thus, most management teams will still choose to scrap ships which are over 22.5 years old. According to James Catlin in, "Crude Tanker Supply Side Outlook Best In Decades," there are currently 167 VLCCs "representing well over 20% of the fleet, old enough to be considered retirement [scrapping] candidates." This compares very favorably to only an 8% orderbook.





2020-01-29 23:40


2020-01-29 21:57


2020-01-29 21:44

我刚打赏了这个帖子 ¥1,也推荐给你。

2020-01-29 20:59


2020-01-29 20:52
