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回复@hotashang: The stock market is not a day to day....I understand perfectly and believe i QIHU will trade below $10 sooner than later//@hotashang:@CitronResearch: This year the price of a lot of china listed company decline sharply, such as renn, sina, cis, taom, ctrp, you should have a lot of target to short. However, you missed those and just choose Qihu. After four rounds, the price of Qihu still kept steady. Does it means Citron don’t understand Chinese internet industry at all?
2011-12-08 11:27


2011-12-08 23:04

@CitronResearch: Thank you for your time at Snowball, a.k.a Xueqiu. Please don't fret over our threadbare questions, we are an active and inquisitive crowd. Visit us again!

2011-12-08 22:56


2011-12-08 22:56

回复@CitronResearch: You mentioned in your report that $5 is generous because of lack of leadership in Zhou Hongyi (you called into question his credibility), QIHU's CEO, and lack of disruptive technologies (you mentioned dead terminal and no real innovation). So, for the sake of a healthy business model, what do you reckon QIHU can do to reverse its path towards destruction, as you so touted us.

2011-12-08 22:50

@CitronResearch:You mentioned China Finance Online, a company that is totally irrelevant to Qihoo's business, what's your purpose?

2011-12-08 22:45

回复@CitronResearch:Hi,Andrew. Besides the SEC filing, do you have any other way to access reliable information of listed company to find out the possible problems.

2011-12-08 22:43


2011-12-08 22:40
