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回复@传说中的那个男人:I am 100% confident//@传说中的那个男人:回复@CitronResearch: Andrew, we're all seen the 'report card'. Citron had been wrong before. How confident are you on this one?//@hotashang:@CitronResearch: Could you show some references or assumptions regarding the valuation model your guys made which show Qihu market value only $575 million?
2011-12-08 11:27


2011-12-08 22:38

回复@CitronResearch: You must understand that hedge funds and shorters do evoke unpalatable memories of the 1997 asian financial crisis. Thanks of your patience. Can you tell us more about the clout of your report within the financial industry? Exactly which financial institutions do you come into contact with? Or is this too confidential?