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回复@swigger:it is not a big business, could be an initiative but a business cannot have the word free in it//@swigger:回复@CitronResearch: you said the reason why you short qihoo is that qihoo's software is not their business.however, do you know tencent (HK0700)? they offer QQ as a free software and reach a big business, so do you think tencent is also a fraud?
2011-12-08 11:27


2011-12-08 22:37

@CitronResearch Let's put in this way, what do you think of Facebook? How much facebook worth? What's core value of Facebook? I believe that SNS itself is FREE, right? Facebook users don't need pay for the SNS service, right?

2011-12-08 22:36

回复@CitronResearch: pls visit 网页链接 ,so many questions,thanks